Politics / Government

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere!

February 25th was the 56th day of the year, one of their favorite hoax-numbers, representing the whole fake and staged pandemic, the fake climate change agenda, and of course, representing Society of Jesus, the military Jesuit Order out of the Vatican whom pretty much control everything on the world stage through their minions within Freemasonry and other secret societies. Masonic Ritual = 56Society of Jesus = 56Freemasons = 56 Right out of the gate, […]

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere! Read the Full Article »

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47

As you know, Donald Trump is nothing but an actor, a puppet on the world stage, used for division in the fake left wing vs. right wing of silly politics. And some even claim that he has been portrayed by two different actors wearing body suits, depending on whether he’s wearing the red or blue tie – as his ‘orangeness,’ ‘facial features,’ and ‘fatness’ seems to vary a bit between the two. Who knows?

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47 Read the Full Article »

The Year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry – Ordo ab Chao

So far this year, we’ve had staged shootings and celeb deaths every day until “spy” balloons and unidentified objects started showing up for about a week, then they mysteriously stopped showing up after the Super Bowl, and the shootings returned instead. Then we had several staged train derailment psy-ops, as mirrored by the old movies Super 8 and White Noise (White Noise was about a toxic derailment in East Palestine, using locals as actors,

The Year of Skull and Bones Freemasonry – Ordo ab Chao Read the Full Article »

Biden visits Ukraine and Major Coast-to-Coast Winter Storm Warning for the 52nd Day of the Year

Although we had more faked shootings (New Orleans Mardi Gras ritual,) as they are back in vengeance after the balloon and Super Bowl break, let’s change pace and look at other trending topics from yesterday. Allegedly, 80-year-old Joe Biden visited Kyiv, Ukraine, during the ongoing staged and extremely fake war. Do you think the real Joe Biden, if he’s still alive, or the way he is portrayed like a stuttering brain-fogged idiot who barely

Biden visits Ukraine and Major Coast-to-Coast Winter Storm Warning for the 52nd Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

February 16 – Nature Under Attack (25/52)

On February 16 we saw yet another train derailment with one car carrying hazardous material all while the media still was reporting fake news based on an AI-generated article that went viral on environment pollution and animals dying after the “toxic” Ohio (East Palestine) train derailment — which was of course a ruse to further internet censorship, the infodemic, since the derailment was staged. We also had a massive fire erupting at a manufacturer

February 16 – Nature Under Attack (25/52) Read the Full Article »

Clown World: U.S. Military Shoots Down Yet Another Object on Satanic Super Bowl Day

They just can’t help themselves. First there was an alleged Chinese “spy balloon,” then an ‘object’ over Alaska on Friday, then another ‘unidentified object’ over Canada on Saturday, and now, yet another ‘high-altitude object’ on Sunday, the day of the Satanic and extremely ritualistic Super Bowl, the day of bread and circuses for the dumbed down sleeping masses. Allegedly, another unidentified object at 20,000 feet over Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was shot down by a

Clown World: U.S. Military Shoots Down Yet Another Object on Satanic Super Bowl Day Read the Full Article »

Clown World: U.S. Jet Shoots Down UFO Over Canada

The silly script initiated with the Chinese Spy Balloon, and continued Friday with an ‘object’ being shot down over Alaska, now escalated to another ‘unidentified object’ being shot down over northern Canada during Saturday. These fabricated and scripted events will of course get baby-truthers to squeal about the looming staged alien invasion (project blue beam,) they’ve warned us about for even longer now than the retarded Q-crap. In reality though, it’s most likely fuel

Clown World: U.S. Jet Shoots Down UFO Over Canada Read the Full Article »

U.S. Military Shoots Down ‘Object’ Over Alaska

This story broke as I was about to hit the bed late yesterday. I guess it’s a continuation of the Spy Balloon Psy-Op they are feeding the sleeping masses, and another coin in the bucket for staging another fabricated and fake war. Question is, do they really need to, considering people are stringing along accepting the absurd increases in cost of living as of late? Or will they simply use all these fake stories

U.S. Military Shoots Down ‘Object’ Over Alaska Read the Full Article »

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