Diet and Nutrition

Kim Kardashian Named ‘Man of the Year’ and Pesticides in Plant-Food Reduce Sperm-Count Worldwide

The story about pesticides kind of flew under the radar as it was appropriately released on the same day as male-to-female plastic-experiment Kim Kardashian ritualistically was announced ‘Man of the Year’ by Satanic “men’s magazine” GQ — where ‘it’ will be on the cover of the November 28 issue, as in 11/28, or 1128, the 47th triangular number, as in ‘Beast,’ which sums to 47 in simple gematria.And for sure, Kim Kardashian is a […]

Kim Kardashian Named ‘Man of the Year’ and Pesticides in Plant-Food Reduce Sperm-Count Worldwide Read the Full Article »

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin

It’s time to return to T-Nation and their diet-obsessed ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart. After making a mess of several studies on protein, he how turned his eyes to a ridiculous “10-day diet” for ‘weight-lifting women.’ The article opens with a summary of the study and why it might not be a great idea, which he for once is correct about. “Want to lose 3 pounds of fat in only ten days? There’s a

The 10-Day Diet Plan – Just Throw it in the Bin Read the Full Article »

What Food Cravings Actually Mean

Today we’re heading back to the most visited health website on the ‘Interplebs,’, as I discovered that they have an article on ‘food cravings’ and they made a complete mess of it.Simply going through the headlines of their nutrition articles has my disinformation and bullshit alarm going haywire. This website is criminally incorrect on most things related to “nutrition,” a pseudo-science that in reality should be really simple, which we will get to.

What Food Cravings Actually Mean Read the Full Article »

Healthy Eating in Real Life is Very Simple

Healthline is one of the most visited “health” websites in the world, which means that they influence a lot of people with their conclusions and recommendations.In their ‘letter from the editor,’ Lisa Valente, MS, RD, states that, “At Healthline Nutrition, we want to help you eat food that makes you feel good. Looking at science is always where we start, but we understand that real-life eating doesn’t fit some perfect nutrient pattern.” That will

Healthy Eating in Real Life is Very Simple Read the Full Article »

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients

And here I thought we had put this protein debate to rest. However, the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart, over at T-Nation, managed to find yet another “study” where he, just like the dimwits performing the study, draw some seriously flawed conclusions. Chris begins the article in the typical ‘T-Nation’ fashion with some mocking disguised as humor about telling people who are a little bit ‘too pudgy’ to simply stop ‘eating so damn much.’

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients Read the Full Article »

Toxic Sugar-Water “Milk” Replacements for Slaves

Muscle & Fitness, once a front-runner in the Bodybuilding- and Fitness industry, but since the 90’s a mainstream publication pushing the elite’s slave agendas, recently published an article about the vile and extremely toxic plant-based “milks.” As you might know, one of the first symptoms of nutrition deficiencies is mental illness, and that is why vegans are obsessed with imitating real animal foods, which they desperately crave, as in pretending to do meat dishes

Toxic Sugar-Water “Milk” Replacements for Slaves Read the Full Article »

More Studies on High Protein Diets and Fat Loss – What Really Happened

Here we go again, it’s only been a little over a week, and the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart over at T-Nation is yet again advocating for high protein diets, while advertising their own chemical shit-storm of a protein powder. While I do agree that most people need more animal protein in their diet, and especially animal fats, I do not necessarily agree with the conclusions drawn from these studies or the recommended approaches

More Studies on High Protein Diets and Fat Loss – What Really Happened Read the Full Article »

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

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