Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Eric Berg: Healthy Keto vs. Dirty Keto

Muscle & Fitness recently published a Keto-based article based on an interview with Dr. Eric Berg. And while Dr. Berg might seem ‘controversial’ and ‘censored’ on YouTube in the eyes of the sleeping general public, he’s still somewhat trapped in the pseudoscience and ideology of nutrition. So, let’s see what Muscle & Fitness and Dr. Eric Berg has to say about the Ketogenic Diet and the multiple versions of it. The article’s preamble paints […]

Dr. Eric Berg: Healthy Keto vs. Dirty Keto Read the Full Article »

Human History: Losing Body Fat is Not Hard

The other day CNN featured an article on “weight loss,” kind of glorifying body fat as a survival tool, which it once was while claiming that it’s really hard to lose it, which it absolutely is not. While the article is biased, it’s not that terrible for something published by the Jesuit-controlled CNN. Let’s break it down. “(CNN) — If you think it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off, you are not

Human History: Losing Body Fat is Not Hard Read the Full Article »

Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated

While Muscle & Fitness has lost a lot of readers over the years, and rightfully so, they still rank among the top 15 “fitness” websites in the world. One of their featured “nutrition” articles aimed at fat loss is called “10 things you need to know when starting a new diet plan,” written by Emmie Satrazemis. As most brainwashed nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, and coaches, the staff at Muscle & Fitness, including Emmie, are

Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated Read the Full Article »

Plants Will Kill You! And the Fallacy of Vegetable and Fruit Powders

On January 16, 2024, TC Luoma announced that, as for a few months back, he no longer was employed by any supplement company, as in Biotest/T-Nation, and that he now is on Substack only. However, T-Nation are still publishing what seems to be a backlog of his articles, and the latest article, as of January 17, was yet another push for the extremely toxic and dangerous polyphenols.On January 5, 2024, I covered the juvenile

Plants Will Kill You! And the Fallacy of Vegetable and Fruit Powders Read the Full Article »

Nutrition Basics: How Bad Is It Really?

For some reason, one of the most visited “fitness and health” websites is on the world-wide-web is ‘’ Perhaps it’s because they cover some really silly and irrelevant topics, such as their “how bad is it” series, a series of articles that might appeal to the programmed and dumbed down masses who never thought about ‘nutrition’ until they stumbled upon this atrocious website. Livestrong’s “how bad is it” series are a part of their

Nutrition Basics: How Bad Is It Really? Read the Full Article »

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates

The Food Industry-, Big Pharma-, and government shill-site Healthline recently published another propaganda article, trying their best to reinforce the programming and the false “science” of carbohydrates and plant-based slave foods. As you should know, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, which means that our physiology is built and meant for consuming only the flesh and fat of animals, including some of the produce by animals, such as eggs and raw milk.This also means that

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dietitians

I’ve always been a forerunner within the fitness industry. Even before my real awakening in 2018, I never considered becoming a registered nutritionist or dietitian, even though I had the educational background and years of experience. I could easily have provided the answers they were looking for, but that would have meant that I had compromised what I knew was right. Even back then, in the late 90’s, I knew that carbohydrates were bad

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dietitians Read the Full Article »

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition

Today we’ll take a look at what the “health-” and medical community recommends for “sustainable weight loss.”The government and Big Pharma shill website ‘Healthline’ recently published an article called, “How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?” Let’s see what they got right, and what, as usual, is complete bollocks.And be warned, there will be some tough love in this one. They start off with the traditional cliché of telling us

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition Read the Full Article »

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