Joachim Bartoll

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid

As they’re slowly starting up the fake pandemics again, the CIA puppet state of North Korea plays along with the theatre and recently announced an “explosive” Covid-19 outbreak. North Korea reported 18,000 new cases and six deaths this Thursday. 18 is 6+6+6. And 6 deaths? Damn, they sure love their sixes! The statement on May 12 comes 63 days after the anniversary of the announcement of the fake coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020. […]

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid Read the Full Article »

New Dry Fasting Experiment and Life Update

This Thursday, after an early push-dominant workout and a post workout meal of raw fermented liver and some beef, I started yet another Dry Fast. The goal this time around is 5 to 6 days of not eating or drinking.As you might know, I did a 78-hours Dry Fast from April 23 to April 26, and before that I did 3 days with 2 day of dry fasting between April 18 and April 21.

New Dry Fasting Experiment and Life Update Read the Full Article »

Same Black ‘Anus’ Hole Hoax is Back 3 Years and 33 Days Later

Here we go with the fake and childish space narrative again, and those perverted bastards just can’t help themselves. We know what they mean with ‘black hole’ and the ‘milky way.’These extremely silly CGI-images of an orange anus-shaped hole were originally released on April 10, 2019. This same story was released on May 12, 2022, and made the top of the frontpages of several news-sites including CNN. That is 3 years later and 33-days

Same Black ‘Anus’ Hole Hoax is Back 3 Years and 33 Days Later Read the Full Article »

Trump’s ‘Hurricane Gun’ Ridiculing and Mocking Ritual on Twitter

We know that the silly ‘Climate Change’ has been debunked by real scientists and experts more times than you can count. And we know they use technology to control the weather. The first admitted act of weather control was the RAF rainmakers flooding in 1952 of the Devon Village in Lynmouth, which ‘coincidently’ happened on August 15, the anniversary of the Jesuit Order’s birthday. So, this ruse on Twitter is all about ridiculing the

Trump’s ‘Hurricane Gun’ Ridiculing and Mocking Ritual on Twitter Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984

So, the vaccine-puppet and ‘pandemic expert,’ who recently wrote the book, ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,’ still got a virus that does not exist. Do you see the irony and mocking in this story if their lies actually would be true, that viruses really would exist? A pandemic is defined by people getting a disease. To stop such a silly scenario, you need to prevent people from getting that imaginary disease. Still, the

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

Odesa, Ukraine Allegedly Under Attack on Russia’s Victory Day

On Russia’s annual Victory Day, the city of Odesa, Ukraine, was supposedly hit again by missile attacks.They claim that ‘three’ Kinzhal missiles — Russia’s new “hypersonic missiles” — were fired from a plane and hit a “tourist infrastructure target.” Two people were hospitalized from the missile strike. From that alone, you should raise your eyebrows. Three again? Three that sums to their hoax code ‘56’ on May 9, a day with ‘56’-date numerology? Yes,

Odesa, Ukraine Allegedly Under Attack on Russia’s Victory Day Read the Full Article »

Jill Biden Makes Mother Day Trip to Ukraine, All by The Numbers

Look at that. Same stylish photos as when Boris Johnson and other puppets visited Ukraine in the ‘middle of the warzone’ and strolled around in shirts in the cities, like on a vacation. You could actually ponder the idea that the alleged war is nothing but a staged and scripted ruse for the media. Oh, wait, that is exactly what it is. But I digress. This year, Mother’s Day came on May 8, as

Jill Biden Makes Mother Day Trip to Ukraine, All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

UN and WEF Partnership from June 13, 2019: Agenda 2030 – The Great Reset, The New World Order

This suddenly trended on Twitter and several ‘alternative media’ websites a few days ago. However, it is not new!This was recorded at the daily press brief on June 13, 2019 when United Nations signed a partnership with the World Economic Forum, as stated here: This partnership was signed just a few months before they really accelerated Agenda 2030 with the fake and staged coronavirus pandemic… United Nations announces that Jesuit Klaus Schwab of the

UN and WEF Partnership from June 13, 2019: Agenda 2030 – The Great Reset, The New World Order Read the Full Article »

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