Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18

While 2018 was a year of staged and fake terror attacks in Europe, it was also the year of the green agenda, the climate change hoax, and the rise of the mind-controlled actress, the transgender girl symbolizing the child Horus in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, and new icon for the Green Climate Change (CC = 33) Agenda, Greta Thunberg. 2018 was also the year when the old mind-control tool of ‘Veganism’ roared its ugly […]

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 17

One of the main-themes for Europe during 2015 and 2016 was the staged ‘migrant crisis’ of alleged ‘refugees’ that was combined with the Islamic ISIS terrorist agenda, which later was exchanged with the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic in 2020.On April 7, 2017, another very poorly staged terrorist attack was carried out in Sweden dubbed the ‘2017 Stockholm truck attack.’ It was a follow-up to the 2015 fake knife-attack at an IKEA store. These

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 16

2016 was the year of the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election and the big Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump ritual that brought us the Pizzagate psy-op. Donald Trump was promoted as an outsider playing on the false hope narrative. With the Trump family ties to the Ku Klux Klan, he was scripted to announce the idea of building a wall against the immigration from Mexico, so the left-wing media could brand him as a

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 15

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the US presidency. As you might know from my earlier work, a fragment of the Papyrus 115 was discovered in 2005, giving an alternative number for Antichrist, for the Number of the Beast, and that number is 616, like June 16, as in 6/16. As I explained in my ‘The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening,’ the elites and their mind-control system always play

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 14

In part 13 we ended with the staged Syrian civil war, the staged European refugee crisis and the staged terrorist attacks to cause division, fear, and pave the way to a society that would be conditioned and ready for the extremely obvious and silly 2020 Covid-19 hoax. The end of 2012 also saw the new era of staged and fake school shootings with the Sandy Hook psy-op, which when reported on in the media

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 13

In part 12, we reached the year of 2010 and the introduction of cryptocurrency. We will continue on the path of technology and its role in programming, conditioning, and shaping our minds, our beliefs, and our illusionary prison-world. In 2010, CERN began to come into focus on the world stage as they allegedly discovered and trapped the first ‘atoms’ of ‘antimatter.’ CERN is a “demonic-like” physics-project by the Saturn cult. Its name comes from

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12

We are now closing in on current times. In part 11 we ended with 2006 and the fake ‘whistleblower’ organization Wikileaks by controlled opposition and media actor Julian Assange. 2006 was also the era of credit default swaps, leading to a “global” recession of saving the banks with endless debt and endless cash flow for the elite families.I also mentioned that during 2004, we noticed an increase in concepts like open source, creative commons,

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 11

Welcome back, my dear friends. In this part, we continue our journey through the history of mind control, manipulation, lies, and deceit with the early years of the 2000’s and how they impacted the illusion we are living in today. On March 20, 2003, George W. Bush ordered the ‘2003 invasion of Iraq,’ a continuation of his father’s 1990 invasion of Iraq, also known as the staged and mostly faked ‘videogame war,’ which was

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