A man set himself on fire Friday on the plaza in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. He was airlifted to a hospital where he later died. The man was claimed to be ‘Wynn Bruce’ of Boulder, Colorado, according to an MPD spokesperson on Saturday.
This supposedly happened on the 112th day of the year.

Man Sets Himself on Fire = 112
Boulder = 112
On the Skull and Bones, Order 322-day of March 22, 2021, Boulder was in the news for a big staged false flag shooting. This ‘Wynn Bruce,’ who allegedly was from Boulder, was ‘on fire’ on April 22, a span of 32-days after the anniversary of the Boulder shooting. And to add to the riddle, April 22 has a date-numerology of 32. And there are 32 teams in the NFL, just as there are 32 sunrays in the Jesuit logo.
4/22/2022 = (4) + (22) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 32

Wynn = 32
Bruce = 32
On Fire = 32 (and 40)
Boulder = 32 (and 40)
It’s also a span of 4 weeks and 4 days, as in 44.

Wynn Bruce = 44
So, this allegedly happened on April 22, exactly 29-days after the Mile High Stadium fire in the same state on March 24. The Empower Field at Miles High Stadium is the home of the Denver Broncos. The Denver Broncos just acquired quarterback Russel Wilson.

Fire = 29 & 70
Wilson = 29 & 70 (quarterback Russel Wilson)
Football = 29 (Russel Wilson, now of Denver Broncos)
W.B. = 29 (as in Wynn Bruce)
Ashes = 29
And Russel Wilson’s birthday is the 29th of November!
So, is this a tribute/welcome ‘fire’ ritual to Russel Wilson?
Let’s continue.
The fire at the Mile High Stadium on March 24, was on the 83rd day of the year.

US Supreme Court = 83 (where Wynn was on fire)
Boulder, Colorado = 83 (where Wynn was from)
Brotherhood of Death = 83 (aka., Skull and Bones, or Order 322)
Wilson is on Fire = 83 (just traded to Denver Broncos, he’s ‘on fire’ in the media)
Wilson turned 33-years old last November. The freemasonic ’33,’ as in Skull and Bones aka., Order 322, tying back to the Boulder shooting on 3/22, 2021.
This ‘man on fire’ ritual happened 144-days after Wilson’s birthday.

He’s on Fire = 144
Jesuit Order = 144
Boulder, Colorado = 144
It’s also a span of 20 weeks and 5 days, as in 205.

US Supreme Court = 205
Society of Jesus = 205
It’s also 7 months and 7 days, as in 77, until Wilson’s next birthday.

Supreme Court Plaza = 77 (where allegedly Wynn Bruce was on fire)
Mile High Stadium = 77 (was previously on fire)
Police Department = 77 (the Freemasonic police stage these events)
Boulder = 77
Brotherhood of Death = 77 (aka., Skull and Bones, or Order 322)
That is the same as 221-days until Wilson’s next birthday.

Man Sets Himself on Fire at Supreme Court Plaza = 221
The Phoenix Bird = 221 (rising from the ashes)
Wynn Bruce on Fire = 221
Society of Jesus = 221 (aka., The Jesuit Order)
The Denver Broncos trade of Russel Wilson from the Seahawks became official on March 16, the first day of the league. That is a span on 38-days to this staged ‘man on fire’ ritual.

Traded = 38
The Phoenix = 38
Man on Fire = 38
Human Torch = 38
Wilson = 38, 38
Fire = 38
And for tying the story together in the media…
Set Himself on Fire = 84 (Full Reduction)
Wynn Bruce on Fire = 84 (Full Reduction)
The Jesuit Order = 84 (Reverse Reduction)
Wynn Bruce on Fire = 84 (Chaldean)
Boulder, Colorado = 84 (Chaldean)
Man Sets Himself on Fire = 230 (Ordinal)
Supreme Court Plaza = 230 (Ordinal)
4/22/2022 = 4 + 2 + 2 + (20) + (22) = 50
Man on Fire = 50, 50 (Reduction)
Burning man = 50, 50 (Reduction)
Human Torch = 50 (Reverse Reduction)
Jesuits = 50 (Reverse Reduction)
The Phoenix = 50 (Chaldean)
Russel Wilson = 50 (Chaldean)
Mile High Stadium = 50 (Chaldean)
Skull and Bones = 50 (Jewish Reduction)
Such a clever scripted story. And such “coincidences,” wouldn’t you say?
Remember, the World is a Stage and professional sport is scripted in every way possible. American Football is rigged by the numbers. Everything the do is by the numbers. This ‘man on fire’ was either fake or staged as a Freemasonic stunt as a tribute and ritual tied to previous events, the fire at the Mile High Stadium, and the trade of the Football player Russell Wilson.