Weather Warfare

Tropical Storm Henri turns into a Hurricane, by the number 233

Tropical Storm Henri is predicted to become a Hurricane by tomorrow, August 21, the date with 233-numerology. And what is the gematria of this Henri? Yes, 233… Yeah, another coincidence… #weathermanipulation #weatherwarfare Read my previous post about August 21 and the number 233 posted this morning.

Tropical Storm Henri turns into a Hurricane, by the number 233 Read the Full Article »

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar

Anyone with half a loaf of bread as brains have figured out the Climate Scam by now. Nothing has changed in hundreds of years. But this theory, this fraud of the climate changing due to the population, is very important to their narrative, for their Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050 – where the governments and corporations own all the land, where the population has been drastically reduced and everyone lives in big ‘smart’ cities.

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar Read the Full Article »

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning

Prepare for more Climate Change Crisis Propaganda. All fabricated, all part of the plan. This will be a rather short decode, but the message is what is important as well as understanding what is happening and why. From the story:“Evia, Greece (CNN): Greece is facing a “natural disaster of unprecedented proportions,” as 586 wildfires burn in “all corners” of the country, according to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.” Ever wondered if they actually count

Ramping up the Climate Crisis – Greece Still Burning Read the Full Article »

Wildfires across Southern Europe, by the numbers

The fires started on Sunday, July 25 – a date with obvious 25 numerology. Same day as London was flooding. Quite obvious that their governments are behind all this, following the script. Always “weather” catastrophes on dates with 52- and 25-numerology. Always! Fire: 25Earth: 25Enlil: 25Flood: 25Death: 25Climate Change: 250 = 25 July 25, 2021 = (7) + (25) + (20) + (21) = 73Global Warming: 73Europe: 73Southern Europe: 73 (Jew Red) July 25,

Wildfires across Southern Europe, by the numbers Read the Full Article »

Hailstorms in Northern Italy, by the numbers

Violent hailstorms in Northern Italy and especially Milan and Parma on Monday, July 26. More weather modification warfare to further the climate change hoax, as easily decoded by using their language of choice, gematria.   July 26, 2021 = 7 + 2+6 + (20) + (21) = 56Hailstorm: 56Hail Chunks: 56Climate Change: 56Natural Disaster: 56Masonic Ritual: 56Society of Jesus: 56 July 26, 2021 = 7 × 2 × 6 × 2 × 1 =

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What a surprise! London floods on the 25th of July

News of roads and train stations flooding – on the date with weather numerology (25 and 52). Let’s break down this report using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality to keep us oblivious to how the world really works and what is going on. Gematria is an ancient practice of coding language; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with

What a surprise! London floods on the 25th of July Read the Full Article »

Flooding in Europe and China – Weather Warfare

Pictures from the flooding in China, that started about the same time as the flooding in Europe, but continues to build up. We currently see arranged disasters at multiple areas around our world, not only flooding but draught, wild fires and tornados as well. All orchestrated by our governments and the military – weather warfare. And most people are still sleeping, thinking it’s caused by the moon as the Jesuit puppets at NASA claims.

Flooding in Europe and China – Weather Warfare Read the Full Article »

Elsa by the Numbers

Weather Modification: Elsa Strengthens into a Hurricane

Jamaica and Cuba might be hit on Sunday and Monday.Sunday, July 4, has ‘52’ numerology, which give us a hint about why they constructed this Hurricane. July 4, 2021 = 7/4/20/21 = 7+4+20+21 = 52Hurricane: 52Jamaica: 52 Also, ‘52’ is known both as the ‘Hurricane’ and the ‘Flood’ number. Enlil is the Babylonian God of Storms. Earth is one of the four elements.Enlil: 52Earth: 52Flood: 52Climate Change: 52 (Jew Red)Power Outage: 52 You can

Weather Modification: Elsa Strengthens into a Hurricane Read the Full Article »

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