Weather Warfare

Category 4 Atmospheric River to Flood the Pacific Northwest on Monday with 52-Numerology

An atmospheric river, is allegedly, a narrow passage, like a thread, of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere, several thousand kilometers long and only a few hundred kilometers wide. This term was coined in the early 1990s, you know right after they begun using radio waves like HAARP to further manipulate and modify the weather. And as you should know by now, extreme weather used to be very rare in the past, but nowadays it’s […]

Category 4 Atmospheric River to Flood the Pacific Northwest on Monday with 52-Numerology Read the Full Article »

Cold Weather Ahead in The U.S. as 25- and 52-Numerology is Coming Up!

More weather control warfare for our friends in the United States. The article say that the temperature will drop 10 to 20 degrees below average beginning on Monday. That will be on February 21, the 52nd day of the year! Then they claim that temperatures will drop further, down to 30 to 40 degrees below normal by Wednesday. And that will be February 23, as in 2/23, or 2 + 23 = 25. As

Cold Weather Ahead in The U.S. as 25- and 52-Numerology is Coming Up! Read the Full Article »

Northeast Hit by Winter Storm Weather Warfare Once Again

Yesterday, on January 29, they officially called the winter storm a “bomb cyclone.” Bomb Cyclone = 109Weather = 109 (keyword)Military = 109 (weather warfare is carried out by the military)The Roman Catholic Church = 109 (home of the Jesuit Order) 109 is the 29th prime, as in January 29.January 29 can be written as 1/29, or 129.129 is 201 in Octal, when using a base 8 counting. Weather Control = 177, 69, 201The Jesuit

Northeast Hit by Winter Storm Weather Warfare Once Again Read the Full Article »

Weather Warfare Rituals – Texas to go from 80-degrees to freezing in 36-hours

We surely have had our share of weather control and manipulation in the last couple of years. For example, this winter in Sweden is unprecedented in temperature changes – going from 5 to 7C above freezing to -6 to -20C below freezing, back and forth for more than 10 times in 8 weeks now. And every time the temperature rises it’s been by winds coming in from the south, pretty hard winds at that

Weather Warfare Rituals – Texas to go from 80-degrees to freezing in 36-hours Read the Full Article »

More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow

An underwater volcano, ‘Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai,’ in the South Pacific erupted about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga’s Fonuafo’ou island, first erupted on Friday and a second time on Saturday around 5:26 p.m. local time. Only two numerical values are mentioned in the article. 18.6 miles = (1 + 8) . 6 = 9.6 = 96 Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai = 96 5:26 PM = 5 + 2 + 6 = 13South Pacific = 130 = 13 (as

More Weather Warfare: Vulcanic Eruption in South Pacific and Tsunami to Follow Read the Full Article »

84 or More Dead from the Tornadoes in Jesuit Kill-Ritual

At least 84 dead? Of course… not fabricated numbers at all! The Jesuit Order = 84 (the order writing the script)Jesuit = 84 (the order writing the script)The Catholic Church = 84 (the home of the Jesuits)United States of America = 84 (their main stage for these rituals)Weather Control = 84 (what was used in this ritual)Electromagnetic Wave = 84 (used in weather warfare) And let’s not forget that Weather Control is 201 in

84 or More Dead from the Tornadoes in Jesuit Kill-Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Aftermath of the “Nocturnal” Tornadoes, more 25, 52, and 55

These man-made weather warfare catastrophes always happen on dates with 25 and/or 52-numerology. Yesterday, when these tornadoes were on their way, I pointed out the obvious: December 10, 2021 = 12/10/21 = (12) + (10) + 2 + 1 = 25December 10, 2021 = 12/10/21 = 1 + 2 + 1 + 0 + (21) = 25 Climate Change = 250 = 25Earth = 25Enlil = 25Flood = 25 They also claim that an

The Aftermath of the “Nocturnal” Tornadoes, more 25, 52, and 55 Read the Full Article »

Nocturnal Tornadoes to Affect More Than 25 Million People on a Date With 25-Numerology

Although CNN forgot a “2” in their headline (it will probably be corrected later today), the article states “more than 25 million people from Texas to Ohio.” December 10, 2021 = 12/10/21 = (12) + (10) + 2 + 1 = 25December 10, 2021 = 12/10/21 = 1 + 2 + 1 + 0 + (21) = 25 And 25, just as 52, is the number used for weather warfare and man-made “nature” catastrophes.

Nocturnal Tornadoes to Affect More Than 25 Million People on a Date With 25-Numerology Read the Full Article »

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