
Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984

So, the vaccine-puppet and ‘pandemic expert,’ who recently wrote the book, ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,’ still got a virus that does not exist. Do you see the irony and mocking in this story if their lies actually would be true, that viruses really would exist? A pandemic is defined by people getting a disease. To stop such a silly scenario, you need to prevent people from getting that imaginary disease. Still, the […]

Bill Gates Tests Positive for Imaginary ConAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship

Remember how the fake pandemic started? Yes, with reports of outbreaks on a few cruise ships, one of the most noteworthy being the Diamond Princess cruise ship who allegedly experienced an outbreak on February 3, 2020. Now, after a little more than two years of almost no similar reports, a cruise ship supposedly had a new little outbreak on May 3, 2022. Both outbreaks reported on the 3rd of the month, like 3 and

The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship Read the Full Article »

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid”

They have been targeting children for a long time now. And as anyone with a working brain can figure out; if you have nutrition deficiencies, or if you’re mostly locked indoors not getting sun exposure and are being isolated from friends and other people, or if you’re wearing a diaper on your face restricting oxygen flow and forcing you to breath in carbon dioxide, you will get tired, lethargic, and you’ll experience any common

The Conditioning of Lies Continues – Children With “Long Covid” Read the Full Article »

The Lies Continues – WHO Claim CONvid-19 Death Toll is THREE Times Higher

This will be another quick one. And yes, here we go again with the blatant and obvious lies. Remember, there is no such thing as a virus or a contagious disease. That pseudo-science nonsense has been debunked so many times by now that I’ll just leave it there. If you’re still a brainwashed sheep, it’s time to wake up and stop living in fear and deceit. Take control over your own health and life.

The Lies Continues – WHO Claim CONvid-19 Death Toll is THREE Times Higher Read the Full Article »

UK Gov. Report Admits 19.2 Million People in England Have NOT Had a Single Dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine

This goes hand-in-hand with what I exposed and wrote about last autumn. And you can bet that even these numbers have been manipulated to make it look better than what it is. Links will be at the end of the article. For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

UK Gov. Report Admits 19.2 Million People in England Have NOT Had a Single Dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine Read the Full Article »

The Bullshit Never Ends: FDA Authorizes First Covid-19 Breath Test

If something as a virus or a transmittable disease actually would exist, this would have been the first thing they developed two years ago. Instead, they opted for the much more fun humiliation and mocking ritual of deep nasal swabs damaging the nasal cavity. After that they used thermometer guns to the forehead execution style, like you’re nothing more than cattle. More humiliation and mockery. Then you had the ‘at-home’ tests where you had

The Bullshit Never Ends: FDA Authorizes First Covid-19 Breath Test Read the Full Article »

Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Susan Collins, and Joe Biden’s Sister Test Positive for Unicorn-19

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, GOP Senator Susan Collins of Maine, and President Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie, became the latest Washington figures to fake being positive for Covid-19. The press announcements came this Thursday, April 7. And the humor in the statements is just off the charts. Take this quote for example: “The speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided,” said spokesman Drew Hammill. What

Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Susan Collins, and Joe Biden’s Sister Test Positive for Unicorn-19 Read the Full Article »

Bonus: Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes – Decoded

This is just for fun, since everything they do is by the numbers. If you want to understand the true evil behind this idea, please read my previous article about this “scientific discovery” and why microbes are so important for life, health, and recovery. They say a new kind of ‘light’ kills almost all microbes and the fools says it could prevent ‘next pandemic.’ And how nice of them to tell us that they

Bonus: Ultraviolet Light to Kill Microbes – Decoded Read the Full Article »

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