
New Marketing Gimmick: Protein Powder And Protein Water Is The Same Thing — And A Word On Protein Fixation

Today we return to the government shills and the incompetent fools at Verywell Health for an article covering the new “protein water” gimmick. Let’s see what they have to say. “Protein is taking over the internet and the grocery store. Countless fitness influencers wax poetic about the benefits of eating lots of protein, and store shelves are filled with protein bars, shakes, and powders that all promise to help.” Actually, this psy-op, this deception, […]

New Marketing Gimmick: Protein Powder And Protein Water Is The Same Thing — And A Word On Protein Fixation Read the Full Article »

The Habenula, Mental Health, Food Cravings And Nutrition

Today we return to another advertisement article by the supplement industry shill Chris Shugart of T-Nation, as he simplifies the topic of mental health in order to sell you his shitty, unnecessary and toxic supplements. Let’s see what he came up with this time and I’ll straighten things out as we go. What the Heck is a Habenula? “It’s a teeny part of your brain, not much bigger than a grain of rice. Although

The Habenula, Mental Health, Food Cravings And Nutrition Read the Full Article »

Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality?

Once again we return to for another perfect example of totally useless and meaningless trial study. This time they summarized a controlled trial with magnesium L-threonate and its impact on improved sleep quality, daytime functioning, and mood in adults with self-reported sleep problems. What was studied? “The effectiveness of supplementation with magnesium L-threonate (MgT) for improving self-reported sleep problems. The primary outcome was sleep quality, assessed using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Leeds

Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality? Read the Full Article »

Spirulina Will Increase Your Toxic And Heavy Metal Load — And A Few Words On Bioavailability And Bioconversion

Today we return to and a summary of a study on spirulina and blood pressure, where they once again show us how clueless researchers and “scientists” are about everything. What was studied? “The effect of supplementing with spirulina on blood pressure.” Spirulina is a genus of cyanobacteria, and not algae as many people believe. Cyanobacteria are a group of bacteria that have photosynthetic capabilities, similar to plants, and are often referred to as

Spirulina Will Increase Your Toxic And Heavy Metal Load — And A Few Words On Bioavailability And Bioconversion Read the Full Article »

Supplementary Selenium, Possible Health Risks And More On Triglycerides

Today we once again return to and to a summary of a study on supplements as most people, including the staff at Examine, still fail to understand the most important aspect of any kind of supplement or compound from any kind of plant-based source. Yes, I’m talking about the chemical differences between an inorganic compound as found in plants or manufactured in a lab, and that of an organic bioactive compound as found

Supplementary Selenium, Possible Health Risks And More On Triglycerides Read the Full Article »

Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet

Today we return to T-Nation, the fitness wannabe supplement pushers that never have studied biochemistry, nor looked into simple biology or physiology. In their recent article on “zinc deficiency,” they once again fail to differentiate between organic and bioavailable minerals and inorganic non-bioavailable minerals. Let’s see what else they made a mess of. “Relying on the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) system is tricky business. The RDI provides guidelines for nutrient intake. The problem? The

Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet Read the Full Article »

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders

Your favorite Comic-Sans Anti-health writer Matt Weik of Ironmagazine is back with another not-so groundbreaking article. I’m not sure why he chose to write about a “liver shrinking diet,” but he unwittingly uncovered some small hidden truths — and being a total imbecile, he didn’t give them a second thought. Considering that Ironmagazine is a fitness and bodybuilding website, perhaps it was meant to mock the wanna-be bodybuilders that are afraid of tiny needles

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders Read the Full Article »

The Dark Truths About Fluoride

Healthline, the atrocious website who also operates Medical News Today and is owned by Red Ventures are focused on spreading misinformation and the backwards-thinking perverted medical “science” to keep you as unhealthy and “disease” ridden as possible. In other words, their mission is to keep you as a life-long weak, obedient, dumbed-down, and low-energy slave and customer to Big Pharma and the government. As part of that mission, they recently posted an article on

The Dark Truths About Fluoride Read the Full Article »

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