
Healthcare in 2024: Delaying Diabetes by a Few Years Instead of Preventing or Curing it

Today we return to the pharmaceutical- and government shill website Medical News Today and a disturbing trend that flies below the radar of most NPCs. You would think that “healthcare” should be about preventing illness, and once it happens, it would be about correcting whatever might cause illness. Well, there’s no money or recurring customers in that, and also, that would expose all their lies about what actually causes disease. Instead, “healthcare” is all […]

Healthcare in 2024: Delaying Diabetes by a Few Years Instead of Preventing or Curing it Read the Full Article »

CDC claims 56% of U.S. is fully vaccinated, in yet another obvious ‘56’ ritual

And here we go again, if it’s not a Toilet Paper crisis or Anthony Fauci spewing his bullshit about this Complete Hoax, it’s faked mocking vaccine statistics shoveled in your face. Seriously, this hoax code of ‘56’ has been used since the start of this staged and faked pandemic. It’s getting ridiculous at this point. So, the article claims that 56% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, but 70 million is still unvaccinated.

CDC claims 56% of U.S. is fully vaccinated, in yet another obvious ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further

As I wrote in my article about Sweden removing “all Corona Restrictions” on September 29, the agenda is simply to blame the unvaccinated for people getting sick (as they always have and always will) for something that does not exist. Today’s news confirms this and then some. “Fully vaccinated will no longer have to be tested for Covid-19 when showing any symptom, such as cough, a runny nose, or fever.” In other words, only

Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further Read the Full Article »

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count

The Swedish Public Health Authority, you know, the complete incompetent bigots who admitted that there is no proof whatsoever that covid-19 exist (page 45, and no it doesn’t exist), now claims that 7 006 231 people have received at least one shot, and of those roughly 7 million, 6 131 967 people have received two shots. So, 6 131 967 have received two shots, that is a total of 12 263 934 shots.7 006 231 – 6 131 967 = 874 264 with one shot.That totals (12 263 934

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count Read the Full Article »

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