soft tissues

Does The Toxicity Of Fructose Force The Body To Form Tumors?

Today we return to the shill- and misinformation website Medical News Today and another article to add to the confusion and misunderstanding of cancer and tumors. As it is the agenda of the elite, the medical field and medical “science” to deceive and keep people as unhealthy and weak as possible, it’s also the mission of websites like these to keep that deception going. So, with these crucial facts in mind, let’s see what […]

Does The Toxicity Of Fructose Force The Body To Form Tumors? Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss

Today we’ll take a look at Anabolic Minds, a quite popular bodybuilding and supplement website very similar to T-Nation, but with fewer advertisement articles and less pushing for toxic and useless supplements. While their article on the Carnivore Diet vs. The Mediterranean Diet was a total mess of being totally clueless of bioavailability and what nutrients actually are, their latest article on insulin is a perfect example of getting some things right while being

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss Read the Full Article »

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology

Today we’ll visit the website of the bodybuilding magazine “Muscular Development” and their nutrition section where Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., who for some reason actually managed to make himself a name within the fitness industry, answers the question if a “calorie is a calorie.” Let’s see what Brad answers, while I’ll add some real science, common sense, and logic to the discussion. You know, the qualities that got lost somewhere along the road a long

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology Read the Full Article »

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets

Today we return to the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today for a perfect example of the inverted pseudo-science that has infected the whole world as “Nutrition Science.” I should know, I studied and worked within that retarded sham for almost 30 years. Fortunately, I was a “low-carb” ketogenic guy, going against the mainstream, which saved my clients from the incredible harm this backwards thinking does to people all over the world on a daily

Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes?

The pharmaceutical-shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a “study” that somehow linked the consumption of red meat and particularly ‘heme iron’ to an increased risk of diabetes. Now, anyone with any sign of intelligence should know that ‘diabetes’ develops as a result of a non-human diet consisting of a lot of carbohydrates and also seed/vegetable oils. If you follow our natural proper human diet that is ketogenic in nature,

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes? Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications

With a recent article by the shills at Medical News Today, we’re back to beating (flogging) that old dead horse of carbohydrates. Yet, this is a really important issue, especially since the fake pseudo-science of modern medicine and nutrition twists and invert everything. Also, they tend to stick labels onto every little issue without even understanding it, as in diabetes for example. This time, MNT recently published an article with the headline, “Diabetes-related health

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications Read the Full Article »

Stupid 30-Days Challenges — Change Your Relationship to Food Instead

Healthline, who also operates Medical News Today, and who is owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in BlackRock, recently posted an article about a “30-day no sugar challenge.” Sounds good, no? Well, let’s see how they tackle that subject with their agenda of keeping you a weak, disease ridden, and dependent little slave to the food- and pharmaceutical industry. “There’s no doubt that consuming too

Stupid 30-Days Challenges — Change Your Relationship to Food Instead Read the Full Article »

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