Hi there medical- and big-pharma shills at Medical News Today, I fixed that headline for you! Yes, today we return to MNT and another stupid article based on useless scientific research applied in a nonsensical way, as 99% of the time nowadays.
This time it’s about “predicting” health concerns through looking at changes in the eye. Well, we’ve known for decades that elevated blood glucose levels from consuming unnecessary, idiotic and toxic carbohydrates damages all soft tissues, including the eyes, so there’s absolutely nothing new to this. Still, let’s see what nonsense they fling at us, like a manure spreader, this time.

“While some may say the eyes are a window to the soul, for quite a while, doctors have known that the eyes can also offer a view into a person’s overall health.”
Yes, for quite a while. And changes in the eyes is only one of many indicators of a shitty diet, as in consuming plant-based and processed edibles — such as carbohydrates and unsaturated fats from seed/vegetable oils.

“The retina is one of the few places in the body where blood vessels can be directly observed non-invasively. Changes in the retinal blood vessels can indicate systemic vascular conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis,”Mingguang He, MD, PhD, Chair Professor of Experimental Ophthalmology in the School of Optometry and director of the Research Centre for SHARP Vision at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong told Medical News Today.”
Yes, as blood vessels are the first thing to accumulate damage from elevations in blood glucose above normal levels as kept by our body’s natural production of glucose through gluconeogenesis. If you have been deceived, like a gullible child, to consume carbohydrates, although our body manufactures its own glucose at perfect ratios and a lot quicker than you can get it through edibles, you do damage to all soft tissues every single time, for every single bite. And the finest and smallest blood vessels will of course show this damage more clearly at an earlier stage than large blood vessels and arteries (which also, for obvious reasons, are a lot more difficult to examine and observe.)

Also, the lens of the eye actually changes its shape (due to swelling) when blood glucose is constantly being elevated, and that is the reason why your vision can be distorted and blurry, especially once you stop consuming toxic and damaging carbohydrates as the retina has been stretched and your brain is used to the malformed shape of the eye and thus the impaired vision.

Also, as damage accumulates from elevated blood glucose, damage to the retina and clouding of the lens can occur, which can take a long time to heal if you change your diet — or it can even be permanent.
Identifying a vascular “fingerprint” in the eye
“For this study, researchers analyzed fundus images of the retinas of more than 45,000 participants of the U.K. Biobank study to look for measurable biomarker indicators in the blood vessels of the retina.”
Fundus images are photographs taken of the retina with a field of view of 40 degrees or more. These images capture the fundus, which is also known as the posterior pole, as well as the macula, optic disc, vasculature, and the interior surface of the eye.
Fundus photography is used to detect retinal changes, inspect anomalies associated with diseases, and monitor their progression.
“Upon analysis, scientists identified a total of 118 measurable retinal vascular indicators, 29 of which were significantly associated with a participant’s first-time stroke risk, providing a vascular “fingerprint.”
Well, in actuality, in the real world, you simply identified damage being done to the eye over time from elevated levels of blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates (and also to a smaller degree by unsaturated fats from seed/vegetable oils.) And as all soft tissues take damage, especially all blood vessels including arteries and the heart itself, cardiovascular disease and a stroke are simply things waiting to happen as damage accumulates. Unless you change your diet and lifestyle, a stroke will happen down the road unless you die of something else first, like organ failure or from neglected tumors. Looking at the eye will only tell you that your diet sucks and that you are taking a lot of damage, and in a sense, tell you how far you are gone. However, nothing of that matters unless you change your ways. And that is not something the medical field or doctors encourage, instead they will point at your stupid fundus images and prescribe some drugs to keep you afloat a little bit longer while making a ton of money.

“Vascular ‘fingerprint’ on the retina refers to unique retinal parameters or patterns in an individual’s retina,” He explained. “Analyzing vascular fingerprints on the retina across populations can help identify trends and risk factors associated with stroke.”
Yes, but it’s totally pointless unless you admit and explain that it is from damage being caused by a retarded diet, as in consuming a lot of carbohydrates several times a day. Unless you change the diet of someone at risk, this does not matter. And considering that all health issues and “diseases” are the result of either a non-species diet and/or toxic exposure, there’s really no need to look at images to tell if someone is taking damage. Look at their diet instead — because it’s the diet that needs to change.
“Seventeen of the 29 indicators are density indicators. Researchers found that every change in these indicators was linked to an increased stroke risk of 10-19%.”
Of course. Are you that retarded, MNT? Do you need studies to understand this? It’s simple. Every time blood glucose rises above normal maintained levels as kept by gluconeogenesis, damage is being done to soft tissues including your eyes. As time goes on, that damage accumulates and eventually the damage will be so great that a stroke occurs. It’s simple logic. It’s like a sliding scale of inflicted damage. You do not need to look at “indicators” to understand this. The more damage done to the eye, as in more “indicators,” the more damage done to other tissues including organs as well. Common sense.
Potential for less-invasive testing for stroke risk
“According to researchers, the retina vascular “fingerprint” — even when combined with just age and gender stroke risk factors — was as good as the use of traditional risk factors alone for predicting future stroke risk.”
Yes. But again, unless you use that information to convince the person to change his or her lifestyle and diet, it does not matter. And as we already know, doctors will not do that. They will use the information as an excuse to push expensive drugs, a band-aid that might postpone that stroke by a couple of years — and thus they have a customer until that person dies, either from a stroke or by prescribing even more garbage after that stroke has occurred. Telling the patient that they have warned him or her and that they now need even more drugs and perhaps some more toxic veggies in their diet while cutting back on life-saving animal fats (which will cause more ailments and health issues that they can prescribe drugs for.)
“We are planning to use the same method to conduct risk prediction for other diseases such as heart disease and dementia,” he added.”
For heart disease sure, as the most common offenders are elevated blood glucose, seed/vegetable oils, and toxins from plant-based and processed foods. And dementia is usually caused by a lack of animal fats, especially saturated fats and cholesterol. And what do the doctors recommend when you show signs of cardiovascular disease and risk for a stroke? Yes, to cut back on these life-giving and life-saving animal fats, especially cholesterol. See how that works? They tell you that you are at risk for a stroke. They tell you to cut back on what is needed to heal and keep your brain working. And bam! They soon got a new problem to prescribe drugs for.

After this, MNT mostly repeats what has already been said. And while looking at the eyes can tell us of damage being done mainly from consuming carbohydrates and unnatural unsaturated fats as found in plants (seed/vegetable oils,) it does not matter much unless you change your diet and adopt our natural human species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods. And this is true for every single modern disease.
Unfortunately, doctors will not use these images of the eye to convince their patients to adopt our true natural diet, instead they will use it to push drugs, to push the inverted damaging diet recommendations that will lead to new and more health issues, simply lining their pockets with tons of money.
And of course, MNT ended their article with this quote:
“This research represents a significant step forward in preventive medicine and offers hope for reducing the global burden of stroke. It underscores the potential of interdisciplinary approaches combining ophthalmology, cardiology, and technology to address complex health challenges,” he added.”
Yes, “preventive medicine” and “technology” as in a temporary band-aid. No indication or mention of actually fixing the underlying problem, the cause of cardiovascular damage, that of the diet and thus making people healthy again. Or simply informing people about the importance of our diet to avoid any cardiovascular damage to begin with.
Yes, this is the world we live in today, and why you need to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself and get back in tune with nature, as in adopting our natural human carnivorous diet. The evil and inverted medical system needs to be torn down, destroyed, and rebuilt through biology, physiology, biochemistry, and our natural human diet. As any animal, humans also have a species-specific diet. We humans are obligate hyper carnivores, and unless we follow the diet we are constructed for, we can never be healthy. Again, common sense.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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