scripted news

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events

For the first time ever, my Facebook social media feed has actually had more people pointing out that the assassination attempt on Trump was staged and fake, than people claiming that it was real. However, the majority of my feed is made up of people waking up, as in newbie truthers and, of course, some veteran truthers that are contributing as well. Still, looking at platforms such as X, the vast majority of people […]

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events Read the Full Article »

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024, Richard Slayman was allegedly the first living person to receive a “genetically modified” pig kidney, something CNN called a medical milestone, while most educated people simply would call it ‘bollocks.’Now, this will be short and sweet, as I have less than one hour this morning for reading, researching, writing, editing, and publishing. On May 12, the media reported that Richard Slayman had died on May 11, exactly a Jesuit and

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 8

In the first part we took a quick look at the Tree of Life, used in Kabbalism, that is divided into 10 spheres, or ‘sephiroth,’ where the planets stand for different planes of existence. Part 1 covered Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, (Pluto,) and Jupiter. Part 2 covered Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury. And part 3 covered the Moon and the Earth.In part 4 we began our journey into the 12 zodiac signs with Aries,

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 8 Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 1

I’ve touched on this in many articles, for example in my ‘A quick look at the Media and the News,’ and in many news-stories decodes. Most of the time though, I tend to leave it out as it’s a bit too much for people to take in and understand. So, in this article series we will take a deeper look at what role astrology plays on our world-stage and then go through a few

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

February 16 – Nature Under Attack (25/52)

On February 16 we saw yet another train derailment with one car carrying hazardous material all while the media still was reporting fake news based on an AI-generated article that went viral on environment pollution and animals dying after the “toxic” Ohio (East Palestine) train derailment — which was of course a ruse to further internet censorship, the infodemic, since the derailment was staged. We also had a massive fire erupting at a manufacturer

February 16 – Nature Under Attack (25/52) Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco

The World Stage puppet and actor Elon Musk continues to be in the spotlights all while being portrayed as some kind of conservative lukewarm baby-truther and free speech champion to gain trust among the weak-minded half-asleep masses, especially among those that are tucked-in beneath the right-wing of the puppet-master’s bird – all while the nutcases that are crouching beneath the left-wing are screaming for attention like hungry little baby birds. Of course, this story

Elon Musk Booed Off Stage at Dave Chappelle Show in San Francisco Read the Full Article »

Transgender Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Converts Back to Chris Beck: ‘Destroyed My Life’

This breaking story on Fox News is a perfect example of opposite poles on the same axis, how they in power control and play both sides of any movement or group. And while the message might seem good-natured; that changing your sex and destroying your God-given body, acting out against nature and creation will destroy your life, it will have zero impact on the satanic Baphomet movement of transgenderism. Actually, most likely it will

Transgender Navy SEAL Kristin Beck Converts Back to Chris Beck: ‘Destroyed My Life’ Read the Full Article »

Omicron… 70 is the new 56

The germ theory and virology may very likely be the biggest frauds of our century, and if you can’t see that they make shit up with the fake pandemic as they go, you might actually be dumber than a sheep. Omicron 70 times more “infectious” than Delta? Just as Pfizer claimed that their vaccine was 70% effective against imaginary Omicron? Or as when the White House claimed it had hit the 70% vaxx target?

Omicron… 70 is the new 56 Read the Full Article »

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