Satanic Ritual

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 31st, was Halloween, also known as Samhain, the first Highest Satanic holiday and the celebration of the beginning of the Celtic Year (Nov. 1st). In Catholicism (also Satanic,) November 1st is known as All Saints’ Day, which is also celebrated on Halloween, or the ‘Eve of All Hallows day.’ On this highly Satanic day, that no sane person would participate in, or let their children participate in, the hidden hand that rules […]

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World Stage: October 25 Maine Mass Shootings – Updated

As this story is still developing, the decode will be “rather brief” and based on the initial released script and numbers by the media. However, it should as always be more than enough to prove that this alleged ‘mass shooting’ was scripted, staged, and utterly fake, as part of their ‘gun ban’ agenda and rituals — when in actuality, they do it to sell more guns and ammunition as gullible people get scared and

World Stage: October 25 Maine Mass Shootings – Updated Read the Full Article »

The Gaza Hospital Bombing

In yesterday’s decode of the staged and very fake shooting in Brussels, Belgium, I mentioned that October 17 would be a perfect day to attack Gaza by the numbers, and that is exactly what happened. As I have no contacts in the immediate area, it’s impossible to say if most of this was staged and faked, or if it was real, a sacrifice ritual. In the lying mainstream media, they claim that a spokesperson

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World Stage: Fake France School Stabbing

Allegedly, on October 13, or on ‘Friday the 13th,’ a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France. According to the public story, the perpetrator was under surveillance by French security services over suspected Islamic radicalization. The government also increased its threat alert to its highest-level during Friday, allowing for larger police and military deployments to “protect the country.” Officials said there was no specific

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Satanic Rituals: Apple Unveiled iPhone 15

Here we go again with Apple, symbolizing the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. You know, the company controlled by the elite families that priced their first shitty consumer computer at a symbolic $666.66, the Number of the Beast. Of course, this time it is iPhone 15, as in 1+5 equals 6, and CNN simply had to list 6 takeaways from Apple’s event. Yep, those sixes are everywhere in this story. Not only

Satanic Rituals: Apple Unveiled iPhone 15 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 1

To better understand why the big masses, the NPC, behave like they do, and why even baby-truthers defend obvious actors, controlled opposition, and agents like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or even Mel Gibson or Keanu Reeves, we need to understand the concept of mind control, how the control system rule through the mind. As far back as we can tell, humans have been taught and conditioned to worship any form of ‘God’ as something

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Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns

As a continuation of the earlier train derailments and the fake toxic spill in Ohio, the last week has been filled with conditioning and training for the looming climate lockdowns as alleged wild fires broke out in Canada on June 2nd, and New York was covered in smoke on June 6 – the launch date of the highly satanic and ‘anticipated’ video game Diablo IV. As you know, there are no coincidences on the

Smoke in NYC, Diablo IV, Alleged Wild Fires in Canada and Looming Climate Lockdowns Read the Full Article »

Shaq Barrett’s 2-Year-Old Daughter Drowns on the Church of Satan’s Birthday

This story could have gone by unnoticed if it weren’t for the similarities to the death of the Church of Satan’s founder Anton LaVey, and the fact that it happened on the birthday of this organization. According to the media, 2-year-old daughter of Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Shaquil Barrett fell into the pool at their home in Beach Park, Tampa, and the child was taken to an area hospital but could not be revived

Shaq Barrett’s 2-Year-Old Daughter Drowns on the Church of Satan’s Birthday Read the Full Article »

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