Predictive Programming


More Predictive Programming! Vineyard Ferry disrupted by Ransomware Attack

Just days after the staged attack on meat producer JBS USA, another attack on the “food chain” happens. Could it be more obvious or sillier than this? This allegedly happened on June 2, 2021 – the 153rd day of the year.Ferry Service: 153Jesuit Order: 153Deceivers: 153 Let’s continue with the date.June 2 = 6/2 = 62Ransomware: 62Cape Cod, Massachusetts: 62Great Reset: 62The Jesuits: 62Mason: 62 Cape Cod, Massachusetts is where Martha’s Vineyard is located.“Great

More Predictive Programming! Vineyard Ferry disrupted by Ransomware Attack Read the Full Article »

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now…

Remember the SyFy TV-series called Helix from 2014? It’s filled with Predictive Programming.A deadly disease outbreak, Viruses, Spike Proteins, Black Goo (nano/graphene oxide), 5G symbolism, Quarantine (essential workers), Changing DNA by proteins, silly face shields and masks, Order 322 (Freemason) symbolism, IRIS eye/portal symbolism, test everyone (no matter how inaccurate), ventilators, “the want to change us from the inside out”, the “cure” is untested on humans (starting to sound familiar yet?) Thank you EntertheStars

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now… Read the Full Article »

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change”

Oooh, the earth has been hit with an imaginary la-la-virus plandemic (sound familiar) and then, boom, a ‘climate crisis’ with a new ‘ice age’ looming. Yeah, we’ve seen similar programming in Snowpiercer and Train to Busan. This is just a hint to the weather modification that has been going on, especially in the US with longer and colder winters to force GMO crops on farmers and to hint on future food shortages. And also,

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change” Read the Full Article »

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