
Citrulline May Only Help With Athletic Performance If Your Diet Is Extremely Bad

Today we return to Examine.com and one of their summaries of a recent study of useless quercetin and the non-essential amino acid citrulline on elite cycling performance. What was studied? “The effects of combined supplementation with quercetin (500 mg) and citrulline (3,000 mg) on measures of cycling performance, including average power, oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio, 20-kilometer time trial performance, and rating of perceived exertion in trained cyclists.” Quercetin is a flavonoid belonging to […]

Citrulline May Only Help With Athletic Performance If Your Diet Is Extremely Bad Read the Full Article »

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers

This story comes at a perfect time when the world is experiencing a staged and totally fake energy crisis. And not only that, like all ‘discoveries’ and big ‘breakthroughs’ they are coded and presented by the numbers covered by little stinky Jesuit and Freemasonic fingerprints. That alone make you wonder how much truth there are to these “scientific” breakthroughs, or if they are real at all? As for electricity, the model and idea we

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future

CBS News ’60 minutes,’ aka., ‘an hour of lies you’ll never get back,’ covered the ‘vulnerability’ of the U.S. electric grid in face of Russian hacker-attacks. They go on about the staged and fake war in Ukraine and how the sneaky Russians could shut down Ukraine’s power grid, leaving its populace without light, heat, refrigeration, water, phones, and internet. Then they go on about how Russia already proven themselves in their ability to use

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future Read the Full Article »

Puppet Biden Says He’s Convinced Putin Has Decided to Invade Ukraine – Just as Pluto Aligns on February 20

This ‘breaking news story’ comes on February 19, the day before February 20 when Pluto will officially return to where it was in Capricorn on July 4, 1776. This is very significant as the ruling elite follows astrology, symbolism, numerology and gematria. Pluto symbolizes a revolutionary process through destruction and deconstruction of what once was. Pluto is all about change and revolution; it is the transformation process signified by death and rebirth as in

Puppet Biden Says He’s Convinced Putin Has Decided to Invade Ukraine – Just as Pluto Aligns on February 20 Read the Full Article »

Periodization Made Easy

Periodization simply means that you divide the year into different phases. These phases are then planned in a way that you reach your peak performance at a specific time – such as the start of a season, a competition or a physical test. In the majority of cases we talk about five levels of planning, although there can be a sixth one (the Olympic cycle). The levels are: The Yearly CycleAll levels of planning

Periodization Made Easy Read the Full Article »

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