
Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical […]

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Clonal Hematopoiesis And Atherosclerosis Are Both Caused By Our Modern Diet

A couple of days ago, the shill pharmaceutical website Medical News Today gave us yet another perfect example of the backwards thinking and extreme pseudo-science that is so prevalent within the medical and pharmaceutical field — yes, I’m of course referring to the retarded idea that a made-up disease is responsible for another made-up disease.  To understand how ludicrous this idea is, you only need to understand that a “disease” is a label for

Clonal Hematopoiesis And Atherosclerosis Are Both Caused By Our Modern Diet Read the Full Article »

More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy

Healthline, the owners of ‘Medical News Today,’ are back with a new article, this time about foods that are rich in essential and life-sustaining cholesterol.While they have to admit that cholesterol is essential and good for you, let’s see if and how they twist this article to fit the malnutrition, disease and anti-healing agenda of the food- and pharmaceutical industry. “Certain high cholesterol foods, including eggs and full-fat yogurt, can benefit your overall health.

More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy Read the Full Article »

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic

Again we return to the crappy supplement-driven Iron Magazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might just have the worst track record in the history of “fitness writers.”This time he tried to tackle linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA.) Let’s see if he manages to get something right this time. “Many believe that too much omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation and heart disease. However, it’s important to understand that

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained

Once again, Dr. Axe and his crew exemplifies exactly what controlled opposition is all about, telling you one truth while twisting it into a lie. As you might know, Dr. Axe does promote a ketogenic diet, as in a high fat diet that is void of damaging carbohydrates, which is what humans are made for, i.e., running on a fat metabolism and being in ketosis most of the time. However, “ketogenic diets” are only

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained Read the Full Article »

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons

Today we return to Medical News Today to look at a new study that is a prime example of how researchers has no idea about what they actually found out — or they know very well, and twist it backwards to fit their agenda of keeping people weak, “diseased,” docile, dependent, and most importantly, cutting their real life expectancy in half. And that is where the plant-based agenda fits in, a sneaky and extremely

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: PGC-1α Protein and Fat Loss Through Exercise

Today we return to Medical News Today and their recent article on “weight loss” through the futile method of exercise. Exercise is simply stress as it tears down the body and suppresses our hormones. While some exercise is good to keep an aerobic- and strength-wise foundation, and to stimulate the lymphatic system, it is pretty useless for fat loss or weight management. You simply have to consider the negative impact versus the little extra

Backwards Thinking: PGC-1α Protein and Fat Loss Through Exercise Read the Full Article »

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol

Today we yet again return to the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation and their take on “exposing” Big Pharma and their lies about heart attacks and medicine in general. Let’s see what they got right and what, due to their limited understanding of human physiology, they got wrong. They begin their story with a “healthy guy” who without any risk factors recently underwent heart surgery due to blockages, which raised the question of what

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

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