number 56

New CDC ‘Estimate’ for Non-Existing Coronavirus in the U.S. – 56 Anyone?

While it seems that most gullible sheep forgot all about this staged and fake pandemic and are now instead running around and posting Ukrainian flags on their social media profile pictures – all for another fake and staged psychological operation, the globalist elite scumbags are still putting out some Covid propaganda. On March 1st, CDC put out some fantasy figures of “Covid-19 infections” around the US. They start of by claiming that they believe […]

New CDC ‘Estimate’ for Non-Existing Coronavirus in the U.S. – 56 Anyone? Read the Full Article »

Trucker Fr33dom Convoy – come on, it’s a Psy-Op! (updated Jan. 29)

At first, I thought that this Psy-Op was so obvious that I wouldn’t have to write about it. But alas, diet-woke lukewarm truthers and anti-vaxxers swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. The original groups on social media have fundraisers that have raised million of dollars from gullible people. Some will go to the truckers, and the rest to Freemason “charity”, but none to all the businesses that will have to close due to empty

Trucker Fr33dom Convoy – come on, it’s a Psy-Op! (updated Jan. 29) Read the Full Article »

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual

This is just so in your face I cannot ignore it. 201 points? 0.56%, as in 56? Common! Joe Biden, the Jesuit educated puppet, was born on November 20, 1942. This fall of Dow Jones happened on January 14, exactly 56 days after Joe Bidens birthday. Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order) And 201 points… The Jesuit Order = 201 (201 is know as the Jesuit number) The exact number was

Dow Jones falls 201 points, or 0.56%, January 14 in Joe Biden and Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers

So, The Supreme Court blocked “President” Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses, but allowed a vaccine mandate towards health care workers nationwide.Again, a very planned ritual, and step in the staged and fake pandemic. Those against being slaves and ‘forced’ to take a maiming, sterilizing and deadly vaccine will see this as a win – and especially those against the puppet Joe Biden. Meanwhile, health care workers will have to

Supreme Court blocks US vaccine mandate for large businesses, but not health care workers Read the Full Article »

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual

Only one day after the “No Vax, Pay Tax,” ritualistic announcement, the province’s health minister claims that first-time appointments have spiked. Of course, my “bullshit-alarm” went off like no tomorrow. This is of course lies and just another ritual by the numbers. The headline reads as, “Canada says vaccine mandates work as Quebec’s ‘unvaxxed tax’ leads to spike in first-dose appointments.” “Unvaxxed tax,” eh? How very original to spell it with x’s. Of course,

Canada’s “No Vax, Pay Tax,” allegedly lead to them lying about a spike in vaccinations in an obvious 56-ritual Read the Full Article »

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March

Remember that Omicron is a Jesuit mastermind 666-ritual and that Pfizer announced on November 26 that it would have a vaccine ready to maim and kill in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! I covered that in this article. Also, March 6 would be in the time of Pisces and Omicron is

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March Read the Full Article »

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead

Yes, more obvious blatant propaganda lies to get the braindead sheep to take more boosters – more maiming, sterilizing and deadly shots against something that does not exist. It’s about bloody time to wake up now little sheep. This absurd story broke on December 20 and is full of numerology and gematria, as all their fabricated stories. Notice how they always put “Breaking” or “Breaking News” on these propaganda stories. Breaking News = 56

Moderna Claim Boosters for Omicron – More Lies for the Braindead Read the Full Article »

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual

The show must go on, as they say. No matter how ridiculous it is.I’ve covered the imaginary Omicron in length, just as with Delta before that, which now seem to have disappeared altogether. Isn’t that strange?I guess it must be hard keeping up with all the lies, and the sleeping sheep doesn’t even notice, so why bother? Omicron is the new scare tactic to manipulate the weak-minded into multiple booster shots. The depopulation agenda

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual Read the Full Article »

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