
Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance

When the Elite Families who run this inverted clown-world from the shadows instigated the silly and staged Covid-19 psychological operation, their underlings pushed forward some of their controlled opposition to put focus on alternative medicine and remedies to lure in those who saw right through the maiming and deadly vaccines and the agenda of a staged pandemic. While some people recognized the juvenile virus hoax, that of “contagion,” that of biologically impossible transference of […]

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance Read the Full Article »

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic

Today we return to the government- and pharmaceutical shill website ‘Medical News Today,’ operated by the abysmal Healthline and owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in the elite families’ BlackRock. MNT recently posted an article based on a new study where researchers looked at six popular herbs and their liver toxicity. Well, this should be a no-brainer. Herbs are a widespread group of plants with

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition

Again we return to the supplement-driven online bodybuilding-magazine ‘Iron Magazine’ and their writer Matt Weik, who in previous articles has shown that he has absolutely no experience or knowledge of human nutrition, or, in truth, anything he writes about. This time he tackles ‘ancestral health,’ the “study” of rediscovering and applying the dietary and lifestyle habits of our ancestors. While that might sound like a good pursuit, the problem is that most of the

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition Read the Full Article »

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op

Recently I’ve seen a few “truthers,” that previously have delivered pretty correct information regarding the pseudo-science of the germ theory, as in the falsehood of pathogens, viruses, and contagion now post and pushing for plants and ‘herbal medicine.’ One of the posts said something like this: “If eating plants causes disease, how did herbal medicine ever get off the ground and remain a primary form of medicine for thousands of years?” I have covered

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam)

The only reason I cover this is because some baby troofers think that cannabis is good for you, especially the extract CBD, and can help with ailments and diseases, which of course is total bullocks. It’s a plant, which means it’s extremely toxic, especially any extracts like CBD which means you get even more of it than you naturally could have.Anything toxic that is introduced to our system is an immediate threat to our

World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam) Read the Full Article »

Our natural species appropriate diet. One “diet” to rule them all?

When discussing nutrition and various diets, I often get the comment, “there is no diet that fits everyone”, and, “each individual needs to find what works for them”.If that’s your stance on nutrition, then answer the following questions, and please take your time. Our genes and gene expressions, our organ systems, our digestive system, our stomach acid pH (just as low as common scavengers), our metabolic and methylation pathways and how little we as

Our natural species appropriate diet. One “diet” to rule them all? Read the Full Article »

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