
World Stage Mocking: David ‘Pecker’ as First Witness in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Trial

This will be a quick 30-minute breakdown as I’m a bit short on time this morning. According to a CNN breaking story, filling their landing page on this past Sunday, April 21, 2024, David Pecker, the former chairman and CEO of American Media Inc, is expected to be the first witness called by the Manhattan district attorney’s office in former President Donald Trump’s criminal hush money trial. If you’re awake and pay attention, you […]

World Stage Mocking: David ‘Pecker’ as First Witness in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Trial Read the Full Article »

The 42-Rituals

Anyone who knows just a little bit about gematria and how the media and entertainment industry work, knows the racism and mockery behind number 42 (and 30). I’ve touched on this in several decodings, and now Malik, a.k.a., NeoTheHacker did a great short vid on the subject. -“I know… you want number 42?” And if you don’t get it, 42 and 30 are very well-known and frequent numbers used in race mocking rituals towards

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The Theatre Continues – China Sodomites to Anal Swab Their Way Through the Winter Olympics

Unfortunately, this is not a joke. The China ‘anal swab story’ is back in the ‘News’ once again – hitting the headlines of the slumbering masses. And we know who the real sodomites are, the Catholic Church and their re-invented Knight Templars as in the Jesuit Order – the order pulling all the strings from the shadows. Yeah, they do a lot of pulling and obviously thrusting too. This story broke on January 19,

The Theatre Continues – China Sodomites to Anal Swab Their Way Through the Winter Olympics Read the Full Article »

Bogdanoff Twins Killed in Jesuit Covid-Ritual, only 6 days Apart

The French television presenters, the Bogdanoff twins, allegedly died of Covid (which does not exist) only 6 days apart from each other. You know, like you need to stand 6 feet apart if you are a little sheep, sucking the teat of big brother and wearing a face diaper. Such mockery!However, that is only scratching the surface. Their deaths were a very deliberate, yet obvious ritual. Bodanoff Twins = 70 &155Coronavirus = 70 &

Bogdanoff Twins Killed in Jesuit Covid-Ritual, only 6 days Apart Read the Full Article »

Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep!

Of all the psy-ops they have pulled off through our history, that of imaginary viruses, transmittable diseases and pandemics are the biggest of them all. While believing in viruses is a result of indoctrination, conditioning and the unwillingness to question and research on your own, believing in the staged pandemic is more a result of being gullible like a sheep and lacking any kind of critical thinking skills, including common sense. It’s so obviously

Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep! Read the Full Article »

Let’s go, Brandon – more ‘56’-ritual mockery

“Let’s go, Brandon” has been the new anti-Biden chant for just over one week and it’s gone viral on Twitter.Well, let’s not forget that NOTHING goes viral unless they want it to. They are always playing both sides, directing the narrative and leading the opposition as a mockery to those falling for it. More on ’56’ here. Yes, “Let’s go, Brandon” is ‘56’ in Full Reduction. Article cites: From comment threads to Fox News,

Let’s go, Brandon – more ‘56’-ritual mockery Read the Full Article »

The Media Shows Staged Scenes at Kabul, Afghanistan Airport

As a follow-up to yesterday’s Jesuit overthrow of the Afghani government… And, of course, today on August 16, they just have to show staged scenes and staged photographs from Kabul airport involving planes as a mockery of the fake planes that allegedly hit the Twin Towers on 9/11. August 16, the 228th day of the year.United States of America: 228 August 16, 2021 = 8/16/21 = 8+16+21 = 45Airplanes: 45 (Jew Red)Plane: 45 (Jew

The Media Shows Staged Scenes at Kabul, Afghanistan Airport Read the Full Article »

Christ the Redeemer Mockery

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual

They are mocking you! Hinting at Clade X and Event 201!‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue, exactly 377 days after the Face Mask projection! I mentioned this with the face mask projection little over a year ago and that story broke on May 4, 2020. It was promoted by the hashtag #MascaraSalva, which translates to “mask saves”, which they of course do not as proven by real science thousands of times.

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual Read the Full Article »

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