long-term fasting

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells

The supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation have been busy little bees as of lately, as always mixing backward-thinking “science,” bad interpretations, and the complete lack of understanding of physiology, biology, and biochemistry — especially the simple biological and chemical differences between animals, such as human, and that of plants. This time these deceiving bastards try to hijack the benefits of fasting by selling you them through a very toxic and potentially deadly supplement. […]

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells Read the Full Article »

The Detox Diet Scam

Today we return to Healthline and a recent article they published on ‘detox diets’ and whether they work or not. Although I’ve touched briefly on this in some articles, let’s see what they have to say on the subject and I’ll break it down. “Your body is capable of cleansing itself without detox diets. However, other aspects of cleanses, including eating nutritious whole foods, may have benefits.” Yes, although your body detoxes from what

The Detox Diet Scam Read the Full Article »

Intermittent Fasting – Quick Guide and FAQ

The pharmaceutical shill-website Healthline just posted a “beginners guide” to Intermittent Fasting, and it’s not too bad considering their previous abysmal and mostly pseudo-scientific nonsensical content. So, lets break it down. First off, Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. This could be, for example, a daily ‘feeding window’ of 6 to 8 hours, leaving 16 to 18 hours a day for a ‘fasted state,’ (the

Intermittent Fasting – Quick Guide and FAQ Read the Full Article »

Long-Term Fasting – Why Would You Want To?

Long-Term Fasting 5, 7 and 10 days of fasting. Why would you want to? By Joachim BartollClassic Muscle Newsletter, August 2015 (edition #11) Fasting for 5, 7 or even 10 days have experienced a re-birth within the health- and fitness community as of late. While the majority of people unfamiliar with its positive health effects still frowns upon the thought of going without food, more and more people is getting interested in fasting, including

Long-Term Fasting – Why Would You Want To? Read the Full Article »

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