lipid peroxidation

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic

Again we return to the crappy supplement-driven Iron Magazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might just have the worst track record in the history of “fitness writers.”This time he tried to tackle linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA.) Let’s see if he manages to get something right this time. “Many believe that too much omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation and heart disease. However, it’s important to understand that […]

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained

Once again, Dr. Axe and his crew exemplifies exactly what controlled opposition is all about, telling you one truth while twisting it into a lie. As you might know, Dr. Axe does promote a ketogenic diet, as in a high fat diet that is void of damaging carbohydrates, which is what humans are made for, i.e., running on a fat metabolism and being in ketosis most of the time. However, “ketogenic diets” are only

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained Read the Full Article »

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