hormone imbalances

Low Testosterone and Blood Sugar Blues

Today we return to T-Nation and their latest article covering SHBG and its relationship with total testosterone and the very important “free testosterone.” As they are a supplement company pretending to be a ”hardcore” fitness and bodybuilding magazine, we can expect a lot of bullshit as they try to protect their bro-science lifestyle and sell totally worthless and very toxic supplements that I wouldn’t even touch if they paid me handsomely for trying them.So, […]

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Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones

Today we return to T-Nation and a really important subject, a subject their Chris Shugart manages to turn into a full-blown retarded advertisement. Still, with more than 20+ active years as a high-level coach within the fitness and sports industry, this is something I worked a lot with, so let’s see what Chris has to say about the hormonal damage from strict ‘starvation’ diets. “Famine is fairly rare in today’s world, but that wasn’t

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones Read the Full Article »

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death?

Today we return to T-Nation and a very important topic. Although they used the study to try and sell you totally worthless “testosterone boosting” supplements, the main message is of importance, and it might not be as obvious as you think. However, it should be quite logical to anyone who understands biology and human physiology. For many years, due to the backwards pseudo-science of modern medicine, testosterone has been commonly believed to be linked

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death? Read the Full Article »

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead

The other day I ran across another typical ‘modern healthcare’ article at Healthline, a shill website for Big Pharma, Modern Medicine, and everything that is wrong, inverted, anti-human and thus pushed by our governments and media.This article was about the steadily increasing rate of ‘depression’ among children and young adults, and what you as a parent to a “depressed child” can do. As the article is once again based on the inverted, backwards (and

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead Read the Full Article »

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