Heart Problems

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death?

Today we return to T-Nation and a very important topic. Although they used the study to try and sell you totally worthless “testosterone boosting” supplements, the main message is of importance, and it might not be as obvious as you think. However, it should be quite logical to anyone who understands biology and human physiology. For many years, due to the backwards pseudo-science of modern medicine, testosterone has been commonly believed to be linked […]

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death? Read the Full Article »

Totally Wrong Again About Inflammation and Cholesterol

One of the worst websites on the interwebs is at it again. This time, Healthline with its authors, still not managing to average an IQ between them of that of a Chimpanzee, got virtually everything about inflammation and cholesterol wrong. If you’re familiar with my work or with the real science of human physiology, you already know that inflammation is simply a name for the body’s response of healing damaged tissue. Inflammation in itself

Totally Wrong Again About Inflammation and Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick

Erythritol, an ‘organic’ four-carbon sugar alcohol (polyol) used as a food additive and sugar substitute – mostly to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk fruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has allegedly been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study that has trended in the media for the last two days. Does these “side-effects” sound familiar? Yeah, even more nonsense to cover up the effects of a

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick Read the Full Article »

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues

Honestly, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to call this a study, but that’s what the authors claim in their abstract. In short, the authors did a google search for dead bodybuilders and then filtered it down using parameters such as being no more than 50-years old and dying of heart-related issues within the last 12 years. Initially they found 45 American bodybuilders and then identified a total of 14 that fitted within their

Study: Bodybuilders That Died Prematurely of Heart Related Issues Read the Full Article »

UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar Dead at 45 by the Numbers — Updated

I do remember the fight between Stephan Bonnar and Forrest Griffin on April 9, 2005, when I still watched MMA and before most title fights were rigged. That fight was the conclusion after the first season of UFC’s reality television show, The Ultimate Fighter (TUF 1) aired. And while Forrest Griffin won the Championship title, both fighters received six-figures UFC contracts. That fight was also credited by Dana White as the “most important fight

UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar Dead at 45 by the Numbers — Updated Read the Full Article »

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine

On November 2, I wrote a short article listing 30 bodybuilders that have died in 2021 and most of them, if not all, had taken the completely unnecessary but maiming, sterilizing and deadly covid-19 vaccine. We have also seen other “newsworthy” people as well as athletes in most sports drop dead in the recent months, mostly from heart attack, cardiac arrest and myocarditis – and all of them had taken the shot. There is

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine Read the Full Article »

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