Health Complications

Malnutrition And Poor Oral Health — And How To Easily Spot Nutrient Deficiencies

Today we return to and a summary of yet another totally meaningless meta-analysis of 4 cross-sectional studies on people with poor oral health and the association with a higher risk of having a low nutritional status (a predictor of malnutrition.) Key study details “The studies, conducted in Lebanon (3 studies) and Brazil (1 study), assessed the participants with the Oral Health–Related Quality of Life Questionnaire. Nutritional status was assessed with the Geriatric Oral […]

Malnutrition And Poor Oral Health — And How To Easily Spot Nutrient Deficiencies Read the Full Article »

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health

Medscape recently posted an article illustrating the extreme retardness of the backwards thinking and reasoning within the fields of medical care and nutrition — once again showing us how incredibly stupid these people/puppets are, and why you should never visit a hospital for any kind of ailment. Let’s see what kind of twisted propaganda they tried to stuff down the throats of their readers this time, and I’ll give you my thoughts as we

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health Read the Full Article »

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI

One of the worst disinformation and propaganda websites within the “health care,” medical-, and pharmaceutical field is WebMD. WebMD also owns Medscape Medical News, another platform for disinformation, propaganda and pushing the inverted pseudoscience of the medical industry and Big Pharma. As you probably know by now, the medical field and the pharmacology industry was created by the Rockefeller family by orders of the governing elite families as a way to keep people weak,

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications

With a recent article by the shills at Medical News Today, we’re back to beating (flogging) that old dead horse of carbohydrates. Yet, this is a really important issue, especially since the fake pseudo-science of modern medicine and nutrition twists and invert everything. Also, they tend to stick labels onto every little issue without even understanding it, as in diabetes for example. This time, MNT recently published an article with the headline, “Diabetes-related health

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications Read the Full Article »

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