
Chia Seeds Are Extremely Toxic! More On Inflammation, Carbs/Glucose And Diabetes

This backwards idea to reduce inflammation by exogenous means, as in taking a drug, a plant extract or a herb, kind of confuses me. We already know that everything within modern medicine, alternative medicine, modern “nutrition science” and most “research” being conducted today is to keep the population as weak, docile, sick and dependent on the system as possible, and this agenda is led by planted puppets working for the elite. And all their […]

Chia Seeds Are Extremely Toxic! More On Inflammation, Carbs/Glucose And Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Restricting Carbohydrates And Seed Oils In Early Life Will Prevent Chronic Disease Later In Life

This Monday morning we return to for another review of a recent study that goes hand-in-hand with my previous articles on the importance of following our natural human diet during pregnancy and feeding the growing baby with mother’s milk and animal-based foods to guarantee proper natural development and health. This study, although very limited, does bring more evidence to the table of the extreme destructive forces of sugar, as in carbohydrates, and unsaturated

Restricting Carbohydrates And Seed Oils In Early Life Will Prevent Chronic Disease Later In Life Read the Full Article »

Exogenous Ketones For Improved Sleep Quality? Only If Your Diet Sucks!

Once again we return to as most health, fitness and nutrition websites keep repeating themselves and I found nothing of worth to write about, so let’s take a look at yet another pretty useless study that only tells us one important thing. In this 2-week randomized controlled trial, 89 adults experiencing poor sleep quality were supplemented with the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) to find out if it would improve some measures of sleep

Exogenous Ketones For Improved Sleep Quality? Only If Your Diet Sucks! Read the Full Article »

A Mother’s Diet High In Plant-Based Carbohydrates And Seed Oils Will Destroy The Health, And Especially The Liver, Of A Growing Fetus

There, I fixed the headline for this study that the evil scumbags at Science Daily misquoted as the Medical-, Pharmaceutical- and Food Industry shills they are. I’ve covered the extreme dangers of consuming anything plant-based and/or processed during a pregnancy and the years after when the mother is breastfeeding as it will literally destroy the baby’s health in several previous articles (linked at the end of this article.) So, let’s see what this study

A Mother’s Diet High In Plant-Based Carbohydrates And Seed Oils Will Destroy The Health, And Especially The Liver, Of A Growing Fetus Read the Full Article »

Carnosine Fallacy: Nutrients Does Not Improve Conditions Unless Deficient

Today we return to and a summary of an perfect example of not understanding simple biochemistry as a team of incompetent researchers who analyzed several 14-week randomized controlled trials in 43 adult participants with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, who supplemented with carnosine (2 grams/day) to observe its effect on body composition, muscle strength, bone health, vascular and metabolic markers compared to placebo. Key study details “The participants (median age of 53; 30

Carnosine Fallacy: Nutrients Does Not Improve Conditions Unless Deficient Read the Full Article »

A Short Binge On Carbohydrates Is Enough To Alter Brain Insulin Response

A few weeks back I destroyed the false and ridiculous ideas of our naturally produced hormone insulin damaging the brain and causing obesity in my article “Obesity Has Nothing To Do With Insulin Or The Brain. Obesity Is The Result Of A Bad Lifestyle.”  Today we will look at another study involving the brain and insulin covered by the medical and pharmaceutical shills at Medscape. Let’s see what they concluded and what may be

A Short Binge On Carbohydrates Is Enough To Alter Brain Insulin Response Read the Full Article »

Is Resveratrol Even More Toxic And Dangerous Than Previously Thought?

Once again we return to and one of their attempts to summarize a meta-analysis of six useless and stupid randomized controlled trials in 533 participants with type 2 diabetes. The evil researchers of these trials supplemented the poor participants with resveratrol in order to look at “markers of inflammation” and “oxidative stress,” including C-reactive protein (CRP) and lipid peroxides. Key study details “The intervention group took resveratrol (40–1,000 mg daily) for 4 to

Is Resveratrol Even More Toxic And Dangerous Than Previously Thought? Read the Full Article »

Consuming Carbohydrates Can Cause Sleep Disturbances, Apnea And Hypopnea

Today we return to and a summary of a recent cross-sectional study looking at participants without obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and participants with OSA and their dietary food choices and macronutrient breakdown, as in the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. As we already know, humans are obligate hyper carnivores and our natural metabolic state is that of being in ketosis and running on a fat metabolism where our body produces all the

Consuming Carbohydrates Can Cause Sleep Disturbances, Apnea And Hypopnea Read the Full Article »

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