Free Radicals

Carnosine Fallacy: Nutrients Does Not Improve Conditions Unless Deficient

Today we return to and a summary of an perfect example of not understanding simple biochemistry as a team of incompetent researchers who analyzed several 14-week randomized controlled trials in 43 adult participants with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, who supplemented with carnosine (2 grams/day) to observe its effect on body composition, muscle strength, bone health, vascular and metabolic markers compared to placebo. Key study details “The participants (median age of 53; 30 […]

Carnosine Fallacy: Nutrients Does Not Improve Conditions Unless Deficient Read the Full Article »

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements

Today we return to Anabolic Minds and a recent article they published on the subject of R-lipoic acid (RLA) and weight management, as in fat loss. We know that naturally occurring and bioavailable RLA and its bioactive form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have important antioxidant properties, assist in detoxification and cellular repair, and also plays a role in energy production, as in the conversion of glucose into energy through aerobic metabolism. So, let’s see what

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements Read the Full Article »

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons

Today we return to Medical News Today to look at a new study that is a prime example of how researchers has no idea about what they actually found out — or they know very well, and twist it backwards to fit their agenda of keeping people weak, “diseased,” docile, dependent, and most importantly, cutting their real life expectancy in half. And that is where the plant-based agenda fits in, a sneaky and extremely

Bitter Polyphenols in Plant-Based Foods Are Deadly Poisons Read the Full Article »

Lycopene is a Toxic Plant Defense Chemical

Today we yet again return to T-Nation as they continue to spew out utter and complete nonsense, which ‘fortunately’ gives me a simple and easy opportunity to educate my wonderful and sharp followers, as well as the new readers who daily find their way here.As you likely know, T-Nation is all about pushing toxic and useless supplements to their followers, not unlike the pharmaceutical industry (who actually are the leading manufacturer of most compounds

Lycopene is a Toxic Plant Defense Chemical Read the Full Article »

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel

Anyone who at least has glanced at nutritional science should know that carbohydrates are non-essential. Carbohydrates are nothing more than an alternative emergency energy source. As humans, we are designed to function at peak efficiency without them. We are obligate hyper carnivores and we thrive on animal fats. Unfortunately, the misconception that carbohydrates are our ‘preferred’ fuel has been so ingrained in most of us, that we believe it to be a universal truth

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel Read the Full Article »

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