
Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further

As I wrote in my article about Sweden removing “all Corona Restrictions” on September 29, the agenda is simply to blame the unvaccinated for people getting sick (as they always have and always will) for something that does not exist. Today’s news confirms this and then some. “Fully vaccinated will no longer have to be tested for Covid-19 when showing any symptom, such as cough, a runny nose, or fever.” In other words, only […]

Sweden to manipulate Covaids-1984 statistics even further Read the Full Article »

Have you ever wondered why absolutely NOTHING makes sense when it comes to these seemingly random scamdemic restrictions?

Like how they started with the idiotic social distancing in some stores and in queues. Or that only 10 people can be in a big building. Or even stay-at-home orders. But the subways, trains, busses, commuter trains and so on has always been packed with people almost standing on each other? Not to mention big malls/shopping centers. And yeah, no one was getting sick. Sweden went almost 10 months without any restrictions, heck, we

Have you ever wondered why absolutely NOTHING makes sense when it comes to these seemingly random scamdemic restrictions? Read the Full Article »

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