Fad Diets

Do You Hate Yourself? Do You Want To Destroy Your Body And Health? Try The Potato Diet!

Today we return to one of the worst and dumbest writers on the Internet, the imbecile Matt Weik of Ironmagazine. So far, he’s covered a lot of really retarded diets and “quick-fixes,” never really pointing out the extreme obvious flaws and dangers. Let’s see how he does this time… “What if I told you to go eat potatoes as a diet? You’d think I’m crazy, right? But there’s actually a new diet called the […]

Do You Hate Yourself? Do You Want To Destroy Your Body And Health? Try The Potato Diet! Read the Full Article »

Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM? 

There seems to be just as many types of diets as there are stupid dietitians, nutritionists, and coaches within the dieting- and fitness industry, and that is a lot, pretty much 99% of them. So, it comes as no surprise that the website “Iron Magazine,” the website that once upon a time tried to ride on the fame of our IronMag that dominated the health- and fitness space on the internet during the 90’s,

Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM?  Read the Full Article »

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition

Today we’ll take a look at what the “health-” and medical community recommends for “sustainable weight loss.”The government and Big Pharma shill website ‘Healthline’ recently published an article called, “How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?” Let’s see what they got right, and what, as usual, is complete bollocks.And be warned, there will be some tough love in this one. They start off with the traditional cliché of telling us

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition Read the Full Article »

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