Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates

Today we return to the bodybuilding and fitness web magazine, and supplement-pusher, T-Nation, or the “community for enhanced fitness,” as they describe themselves. In their recent supplement advertisement, they tackle the issue of eye health. Let’s see if they address the real causes of eyesight degeneration, as in what to avoid to actually reverse the condition, or if they simply want to sell you something. Yeah, I know, it’s the latter. However, I’ll give you […]

Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it

Once again we return to the bodybuilding- and fitness website of T-Nation and the latest advertisement-article on fish oil by their CCO Chris Shugart. They really have been pushing out a lot of these kinds of articles lately, trying to justify their line of supplements. As I’ve been in the supplement business myself, for about 15 years, and developed a lot of them, I can relate to the ‘business side’ of it. However, I

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it Read the Full Article »

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something. Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem

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The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol

Today we yet again return to the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation and their take on “exposing” Big Pharma and their lies about heart attacks and medicine in general. Let’s see what they got right and what, due to their limited understanding of human physiology, they got wrong. They begin their story with a “healthy guy” who without any risk factors recently underwent heart surgery due to blockages, which raised the question of what

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More on Fish Oil/Omega-3

As I’m a bit pressed on time this Sunday morning, this will be rather short and based on a recent article published over at T Nation called, “We’ve Been Taking Fish Oil Wrong, and You Have Too.” Oh, okay then. Are you going to admit that most fish oil supplements are rancid and toxic once being consumed and that we all are better off simply consuming some fatty fish now and then, or sticking

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Stubborn Body Fat

Yesterday, the T-Nation staff published an anonymous article about “stubborn body fat” due to what they call “insulin insensitivity.” And as usual with these bro-science and pseudo-science-based fitness-websites, they almost got a few things right — but as always, they got most of it wrong. Let’s see what they had to say on this subject. They introduce their “article of solutions” by explaining that it is easy for a guy to go from 25%

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