dry fasting

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded

When visiting T-Nation, a former bodybuilding web magazine that emerged in the late 1990’s and unsuccessfully tried to compete with my IronMag Online during 1999 to 2002 and that of lately have turned into a supplement advertisement website averages about 2,000 views per article, almost what some of my less popular articles average here on bartoll.se. However, one of their recent articles has got close to 22,000 views, and of course, it’s about “dieting” […]

The Most Certainly Retarded Diet — And How To Actually Get Shredded Read the Full Article »

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss?

Today we return to Examine.com and their review of a meta-analysis looking at various combinations of “intermittent” fasting regimens and their effectiveness when the goal is to lose body fat. As you probably know, I’ve used fasting as my number one fat loss tool among my clients, including top-level bodybuilders since 2008. Amongst overweight clients I’ve used either two 36-hour fasts a week (5:2) or an every other day fasting (alternate-day) approach. For bodybuilders

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss? Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells

The supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation have been busy little bees as of lately, as always mixing backward-thinking “science,” bad interpretations, and the complete lack of understanding of physiology, biology, and biochemistry — especially the simple biological and chemical differences between animals, such as human, and that of plants. This time these deceiving bastards try to hijack the benefits of fasting by selling you them through a very toxic and potentially deadly supplement.

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells Read the Full Article »

Vegan vs. Carnivore: Hyaluronic Acid, A Natural Hydration And Lubricant Made By Our Body

Today we return to the old copycats of the supplement-driven Iron Magazine and what seems to be an anonymous article on hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring biopolymer with diverse functions in the body, including wound repair, cell signaling, and hydration and lubrication of various tissues. Perhaps Matt Weik was too afraid to put his name on the top of this one, as he’s clueless about biochemistry and physiology (and pretty much anything nutrition- and

Vegan vs. Carnivore: Hyaluronic Acid, A Natural Hydration And Lubricant Made By Our Body Read the Full Article »

Food Addiction and Junk Food Withdrawal

Yesterday, Chris Shugart of T-Nation published an article on the subject of food addiction and withdrawal. Considering that all they do is push toxic supplements, one can only guess what his “solution” will be. A shit ton of protein powder perhaps, since protein can be quite satiating? Well, let’s see what he has to say, and I’ll add my thoughts along the way. “Dave needs a hit, man. It’s been a couple of hours

Food Addiction and Junk Food Withdrawal Read the Full Article »

Dementia 101: Polyphenols (Urolithin A) Damages Brain Cells

Yesterday, Chris Shugart over at T-Nation published yet another advertisement-article for their extremely toxic and useless polyphenol supplements. As you likely know by now, polyphenols are defense chemicals produced by plants to deter, hurt, sterilize and kill anyone who tries to damage or consume them. Defense chemicals are extremely toxic and damaging to human physiology.  This time Chris used yet another misinterpreted study that bastardized the science to make a point for you to

Dementia 101: Polyphenols (Urolithin A) Damages Brain Cells Read the Full Article »

A Fast-Mimicking Diet Is Nothing Close To Fasting!

Today, we once again return to the Pharmaceutical-, Medical- and Government shill-website Healthline and their extremely dangerous and retarded take on the latest fad called the “Fast-Mimicking Diet.” Before we continue, fasting is a state of self-imposed “starvation,” as in not eating anything at all, and preferably not drinking anything either, as in the highly effective method of dry fasting. You cannot imitate ‘not eating’ by actually eating. That is frikkiin’ retarded. You get

A Fast-Mimicking Diet Is Nothing Close To Fasting! Read the Full Article »

Resveratrol is a Toxic Defense Chemical and Has Zero Anti-Aging Effects

The supplement-pushers at T-Nation are back with another advertisement-article about their unnatural and toxic supplements, this time with the claim that the polyphenol ‘Resveratrol,’ a potent poison, has “anti-ageing” effects trough ‘Angiogenesis.’ Well, I totally debunked Resveratrol back in January 5, 2024, when former T-Nation writer TC Luoma wrote some complete pseudo-science garbage about polyphenols and Resveratrol in particular. To make a short recap, I’ll recite some of what I wrote in that article.

Resveratrol is a Toxic Defense Chemical and Has Zero Anti-Aging Effects Read the Full Article »

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