
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed

Today we yet again return to the evil shills at Medical News Today and their never-ending publications of propaganda and inverted false medical science and misinformation. This time they push for more damaging and totally unnecessary medications as they promote a new drug alleged to help people with the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Let’s see what they have to say and I’ll explain what ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease actually are, […]

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed Read the Full Article »

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain 

The shills at Medical News Today continue to push out nonsense about Alzheimer’s as the pharmaceutical industry wants to offer more ways to subdue the symptoms for a short period of time while ignoring the cause of the problem so they can milk you dry before you die. This time MNT covered a new “study” in “predicting” Alzheimer’s. Yes, predictive and preventive “care” is the new money-making machine. Just imagine the possibilities to prescribe

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain  Read the Full Article »

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins

The shills at Medscape, via the extremely evil propaganda website WebMD, recently published an article about an alleged rise in “walking pneumonia” among children. Let’s see what they had to say. “Young children are increasingly being infected with bacteria that can lead to the illness known as walking pneumonia. A hallmark symptom is a cough that starts out dry but eventually produces moderate amounts of thick, non-bloody mucus. The cough can last for weeks.”

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins Read the Full Article »

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process!

Yesterday I stumbled upon another retarded and backwards-thinking article by the medical- and pharmaceutical shill website Medscape. This time they voiced “concerns” about “drug-resistant” and “troublesome” fungal infections. Well, if you’re the least familiar with basic biology and physiology, you would be laughing out loud at their desperate silliness, the silliness and inverted thinking of the medical field, the biggest scam in the world, well, next to the food industry, that is. This will

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process! Read the Full Article »

Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment

As I’ve helped several women reverse “breast cancer” and regain their health, and I get a lot of questions about it, as well as I have people within my circle that have been lied to and used by the medical establishment, we will once again cover the typical and very harmful and totally unnecessary treatment of breast cancer as recommended by indoctrinated doctors. I will use Mayo Clinic, one of the evil disinformation websites,

Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment Read the Full Article »

The Real Reasons For Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

As always, the medical field and their extremely incompetent and paid-off researchers once again failed to understand the simple fact that just because two variables are associated, it does not mean that one causes the other. This is why we who practice real science say, “correlation does not imply causation,” as correlation alone does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. In other words, just because two variables are correlated, it does not

The Real Reasons For Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline Read the Full Article »

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI

One of the worst disinformation and propaganda websites within the “health care,” medical-, and pharmaceutical field is WebMD. WebMD also owns Medscape Medical News, another platform for disinformation, propaganda and pushing the inverted pseudoscience of the medical industry and Big Pharma. As you probably know by now, the medical field and the pharmacology industry was created by the Rockefeller family by orders of the governing elite families as a way to keep people weak,

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI Read the Full Article »

Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women — The Importance of Fats, Lp(A), LDL, And HDL Explained

It should be obvious that hormone replacement therapy for any of the two sexes should be the absolute last solution if changing your diet to our natural human carnivore diet does not fix the problem due to extensive damage done by your previous diet. So, with that in mind, let’s see what the pharmaceutical- and government shills at Medical News Today have to say on the subject of HRT in women, looking at possible

Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women — The Importance of Fats, Lp(A), LDL, And HDL Explained Read the Full Article »

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