
World Stage: Pope Francis “Condemns” Biden’s ‘Gender Theory’

As the April 8th Eclipse was a big nothing burger, as we’ve said from the start, let’s look at another ritual that took place on April 8th, that of Joe Biden’s big legacy, the satanic, inverted, and retarded ‘gender theory.’ As you probably know by now, everything the puppets do on the world stage is scripted by the numbers using gematria, and that is also why President Biden is fighting for the retarded leftish […]

World Stage: Pope Francis “Condemns” Biden’s ‘Gender Theory’ Read the Full Article »

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

This story was one of the trending stories on FOX News, CBS News, Time Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many more yesterday, and according to the media, the 43-year-old actress has been “battling” breast cancer since April 2023. As I’ve explained in previous articles, cancer has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” nor hormones or simply cells going rogue, mutating all over the place. Cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Read the Full Article »

Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability

The story goes like this. Haraldur Thorleifsson, an Iceland-based Twitter senior director, tweeted to Musk that access to his computer had been cut off nine days earlier, when Twitter reportedly laid off some 200 employees. Thorleifsson said in his tweet, “your head of HR is not able to confirm if I am an employee or not.” Musk responded in a tweet asking, “what work have you been doing?” When Thorleifsson provided a list of

Puppet Elon Musk Mocked Twitter Worker with Disability Read the Full Article »

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47

As you know, Donald Trump is nothing but an actor, a puppet on the world stage, used for division in the fake left wing vs. right wing of silly politics. And some even claim that he has been portrayed by two different actors wearing body suits, depending on whether he’s wearing the red or blue tie – as his ‘orangeness,’ ‘facial features,’ and ‘fatness’ seems to vary a bit between the two. Who knows?

Puppet Trump Visited East Palestine, Ohio, and ‘Revived’ Agenda 47 Read the Full Article »

Anthony McRae Allegedly Identified as Michigan State University Shooter

As you might remember, their staged shootings took an early spring break during the week leading up to their biggest annual Satanic ritual, the Super Bowl. Instead, we got fed with silly flying balloons and unidentified objects being shot down. Objects that they now claim to simply be ‘benign’ balloons. So much for the baby-truthers looming Alien invasion, aka., Project Bluebeam. Well, we’ll see if they return to that script or if it will

Anthony McRae Allegedly Identified as Michigan State University Shooter Read the Full Article »

Fake Rocket-Balloon Artemis I Allegedly Took Flight – The Outer Space Conspiracy

Have you ever witnessed a firing of a missile or a homemade rocket? Yes, they reach maximum velocity within a second. BAM! And it’s gone, just like firing a bullet. Yet, NASA, the world’s by far largest buyer of helium, and giver of ‘hopium’ for the space-fan-boys, when launching their “rockets,” they seem to slowly float and wobble upwards with some pyrotechnics going on beneath the dildo-shaped thingy while it’s lazily gaining momentum —

Fake Rocket-Balloon Artemis I Allegedly Took Flight – The Outer Space Conspiracy Read the Full Article »

Donald Trump Says King Charles III has ‘Got a Great Way About Him’

Yes, that was the headline Mail Online ran with on October 4. And I’m not sure where to start. That’s like a dictionary definition of mocking sarcasm. Perhaps that was Jesuit puppet and actor Donald Trump’s intent, but again, everything they do and say is done by the numbers. And it’s extremely easy to spot these phrases and keywords, especially when the news outlets are told to put them in quotes, in italic or

Donald Trump Says King Charles III has ‘Got a Great Way About Him’ Read the Full Article »

Swastika-Wearing Gunman Allegedly Kills 13 at Russian School — Updated

Today’s, September 26, 2022, big mass shooting hoax. 13 people allegedly killed, and the word ‘swastika’ is filled with the number 13, including ‘113,’ the number for dishonesty, for utter bullshit. They say ’21 people’ were injured. Today leaves 96-days remaining in the year. 21 People = 96 And ‘fourteen’ children on a day with 41-date numerology, which also is 14 backwards.9/26/2022 = (9) + (26) + 2+0+2+2 = 41 Fourteen = 41 Also

Swastika-Wearing Gunman Allegedly Kills 13 at Russian School — Updated Read the Full Article »

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