
Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate

Allegedly, Senator John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke during a campaign trail has been hospitalized for clinical depression since mid-February and returned this Wednesday, April 19, to the Senate with a very sloppy and choppy opening statement that made the dumbed-down and sleeping sheep on social media question his mental health and ability to do his job (as in playing a democrat senator with a ‘disability’ on the world stage to mock the U.S. […]

Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate Read the Full Article »

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere!

February 25th was the 56th day of the year, one of their favorite hoax-numbers, representing the whole fake and staged pandemic, the fake climate change agenda, and of course, representing Society of Jesus, the military Jesuit Order out of the Vatican whom pretty much control everything on the world stage through their minions within Freemasonry and other secret societies. Masonic Ritual = 56Society of Jesus = 56Freemasons = 56 Right out of the gate,

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere! Read the Full Article »

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