
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed

Today we yet again return to the evil shills at Medical News Today and their never-ending publications of propaganda and inverted false medical science and misinformation. This time they push for more damaging and totally unnecessary medications as they promote a new drug alleged to help people with the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Let’s see what they have to say and I’ll explain what ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease actually are, […]

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed Read the Full Article »

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins

The shills at Medscape, via the extremely evil propaganda website WebMD, recently published an article about an alleged rise in “walking pneumonia” among children. Let’s see what they had to say. “Young children are increasingly being infected with bacteria that can lead to the illness known as walking pneumonia. A hallmark symptom is a cough that starts out dry but eventually produces moderate amounts of thick, non-bloody mucus. The cough can last for weeks.”

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins Read the Full Article »

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist

Recently, the evil scum and shills at Medical News Today published an article on “early-life vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune conditions.” Of course, one of the biggest lies within the frauds of germ theory, virology, and medical science is that of “autoimmune disease.” It should be obvious to anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and the survival and reproduction mechanisms of every single organism — yet the conditioning and the backwards-thinking is

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist Read the Full Article »

Late October 2024 Update

On October 9 I began a heavy detoxification cycle of my sinuses, which I wrote about on October 11, just before it got really bad. The background with my childhood and the doctors destroying my sinuses by flushing them is all in that blog post, so let’s continue from there. The detoxification lasted for about five to six days. During this time my throat was so sore and swollen that I could hardly swallow,

Late October 2024 Update Read the Full Article »

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process!

Yesterday I stumbled upon another retarded and backwards-thinking article by the medical- and pharmaceutical shill website Medscape. This time they voiced “concerns” about “drug-resistant” and “troublesome” fungal infections. Well, if you’re the least familiar with basic biology and physiology, you would be laughing out loud at their desperate silliness, the silliness and inverted thinking of the medical field, the biggest scam in the world, well, next to the food industry, that is. This will

Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process! Read the Full Article »

No Daily Articles For a Couple of Days and a Few Words on Sinuses

If you followed me for a while, you know that I was very “sickly” as a kid as my mother worked several jobs including our farm and only breastfed for a short time, trying to make it up by giving me tons of toxic synthetic vitamins and minerals. I was diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies at the age of five and I usually had several outbreaks of ‘sinusitis,’ ‘pneumonia,’ and ‘otitis,’ (ear inflammation/infections)

No Daily Articles For a Couple of Days and a Few Words on Sinuses Read the Full Article »

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI

One of the worst disinformation and propaganda websites within the “health care,” medical-, and pharmaceutical field is WebMD. WebMD also owns Medscape Medical News, another platform for disinformation, propaganda and pushing the inverted pseudoscience of the medical industry and Big Pharma. As you probably know by now, the medical field and the pharmacology industry was created by the Rockefeller family by orders of the governing elite families as a way to keep people weak,

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI Read the Full Article »

Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation

Healthline continues their crusade against optimal health and humanity with their latest article about toxic and damaging herbs that a lot of people have been deceived into using in “alternative” or “natural” medicine and in their own concoctions to alleviate symptoms, the manifestation of healing and detoxing processes. I’ve already covered these subjects in-depth in my articles, “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and Natural Remedies are Worthless,” “All Herbal

Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation Read the Full Article »

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