Depopulation Agenda

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases

According to the scripted news, California, Illinois and New York have reported 47% of all confirmed monkeypox infections in the U.S. Just like the compass on the Freemasonic logo is set at 47 degrees, how original.In total, the U.S. has reported nearly 6,000 cases of monkeypox across 48 states. And that for a “disease” and an imaginary virus that does not exist. However, they love the mockery since monkeypox has been labelled a gay […]

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases Read the Full Article »

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming

While we have been ‘distracted’ and mentally teared down with psy-ops and false flags such as the fake war in Ukraine, daily shootings (and even bombings,) while the cost of living have slowly gone up every month and food-farms and facilities have been burning, they have also been working hard in the shadows to prepare another staged and totally fake pandemic.Question is, will it be another imaginary strain of ‘CONvid-19,’ or will they use

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming Read the Full Article »

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50

While people are occupied with actors giving each other staged slaps, FDA authorized a second booster shot from Pfizer and Moderna for adults age 50 and older – a booster shot for something that does not even exists. It’s all about maiming and killing the useless eaters as the ‘elite’ and the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum puts it. FDA approved Moderna’s first booster shot on January 31, 2022. This authorization

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50 Read the Full Article »

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12

While the sheep are distracted by the staged theatre in Ukraine and the fake pandemic seems to be on hold, the powers of evil is still marching on in the shadows laying the groundwork for the depopulation agenda – and as always, it’s done in a ritualistic manner by the numbers. On the 16th of March, as in 16/3, like 163, Moderna announced this new vaccine trial for kids aged 6 months to 11

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12 Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual

If you didn’t know, the awful rock band KISS is an acronym for ‘Knights in Satan’s Service.” Yet, disinformation shills such as the laughable CIA-controlled Snopes will try and convince you otherwise. However, I grew up with this shit before turning to electronic body music in my teenage years – and Kiss was as Satanic as they come. Their album covers, the symbolism, their make-ups, everything. Also, Kiss was often stylized as KIϟϟ, with lightning

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine

On November 2, I wrote a short article listing 30 bodybuilders that have died in 2021 and most of them, if not all, had taken the completely unnecessary but maiming, sterilizing and deadly covid-19 vaccine. We have also seen other “newsworthy” people as well as athletes in most sports drop dead in the recent months, mostly from heart attack, cardiac arrest and myocarditis – and all of them had taken the shot. There is

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine Read the Full Article »

States and Cities Offering Incentives for Children to take the Maiming, Sterilizing and Deadly Covid Vaccine in another ‘56’ and 11/5 Ritual

The sheer evil of these people sees no bounds. And the ignorance and level of mental illness among parents who let their kids get vaccinated will be unprecedented in history. The story claims: “In New York City, children can claim $100 if they get their first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine at city-operated vaccine site. Alternatively, they can get tickets to city attractions such as the Statue of Liberty or the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team.”

States and Cities Offering Incentives for Children to take the Maiming, Sterilizing and Deadly Covid Vaccine in another ‘56’ and 11/5 Ritual Read the Full Article »

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