Cyber Attack

The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day

Allegedly, a “cyberattack” occurred late Wednesday on the Catholic (Jesuit) Ascension Health network that includes 140 hospitals in 19 states, which disrupted access to electronic health records, some phone systems and “various systems utilized to order certain tests, procedures and medications,” during Thursday, the day of Ascension the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, or simply, ‘Ascension Day.’ So, we had someone in a ritualistic fashion pull the plug for some of the […]

The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day Read the Full Article »

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook

As the story goes, “Russian state-backed hackers,” (it’s anybody’s guess how they “know” they’re “state-backed”,) gained access to some of Microsoft’s core software systems in a “hack” first disclosed in January.As of this Friday, March 8, 2024, Microsoft announced that the alleged hack was more serious than first thought, and that during the last week it has led to information being stolen from Microsoft’s corporate email systems and to access to “some of the

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook Read the Full Article »

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore!

Freemason and FBI Director Christopher Wray was back in the “news” on January 31, 2024, warning us about Chinese hackers “preparing” to “wreak havoc” on “US critical infrastructure.” On December 5, 2023, Wray warned us that the “Terror Alert” was at an “All-Time High,” which since then has been hinted on and off in the media and been reinforced by stories and upcoming movies about ‘civil war.’Again, this is all predictive programming to condition

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore! Read the Full Article »

Leave The World Behind and “Predictive Programming”

I guess I had to mention this atrocious piece of “movie” sooner or later as my ‘social media feeds’ are still clogged up by it. And yes, I painfully watched it solely for the symbolism and the baby-truthers yelling “predictive programming.” The movie is extremely coded and deeply satanic, as expected when directed by American Film Institute Conservatory trained Sam Esmail and produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their Higher Ground Productions company.

Leave The World Behind and “Predictive Programming” Read the Full Article »

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21

About a week back or so, some people noticed that they did another wave of fake corona cases on the media all over the world. Remember when they started the fake pandemic in March 2020, and hundreds of cities across the world reported “33” cases? You know, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry ‘33’. It could not be more obvious fake if they tried. Now the same thing happened but with ‘233’ cases in at

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21 Read the Full Article »

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