creatine monohydrate

Fixing Creatine Deficiency Can Improve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Once again we’ll take a look at a new study as summarized by — and once again it’s another rather unnecessary study bringing nothing new to the table that you can’t figure out by using a little bit of common sense. And, not to be repetitive, but the researchers had no clue about their so-called “findings,” as usual. What was studied? “The effects of creatine in adults with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).” […]

Fixing Creatine Deficiency Can Improve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Read the Full Article »

Alleged “Experts” Still 100% Wrong About Food And Gaining Muscle

Warning! This article might contain some harsh and foul language. Unfortunately, it is very needed. Yes, we return to the sh*tpile that is ‘’ and, unfortunately, the same poor author Jake Stewart, who last time, made a monumental fool of himself trying to teach us about weigh loss. This time he tries to tackle the “best foods” of gaining muscle mass, as if there actually were such foods outside the scoop of our natural

Alleged “Experts” Still 100% Wrong About Food And Gaining Muscle Read the Full Article »

Creatine is a Conditionally Essential Nutrient and Most People are Deficient

We’ve known about the importance and interesting properties of creatine for well over 30 years now, and every year or so, more evidence emerge beyond the initial benefits of creatine simply being a key nutrient for short physical bursts and explosive movements, especially when it comes to cognition and mental health. Now, this should not be surprising. In fact, it’s highly logical, as it is a nutrient found in abundance in meat. That in

Creatine is a Conditionally Essential Nutrient and Most People are Deficient Read the Full Article »

Supplements we use. Part 2: supplements for different situations

Supplements we use The most common and popular supplements when working with clients Part 2: supplements for different situations By Joachim Bartoll, July 2015, for Classic Muscle Newsletter, issue 11 In the first part, we covered the most important supplements for anyone interested in supporting their health and training efforts. These included a whey-based protein powder, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc for men. In this part, we’ll look at additional supplements of use,

Supplements we use. Part 2: supplements for different situations Read the Full Article »

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