Cold War

World Stage: Russian Ships Arrive in Cuba in Cold War Ritual

And here we go again with some really obvious ritualistic and scripted nonsense for the world stage. On June 12, the birthday of George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States, a group of Russian Navy ships, including a “nuclear-powered” submarine, arrived in Cuba – which the media describes as a sign of strengthening ties between the two Cold War allies. This happened on Wednesday morning, on the birthday of George H.W. […]

World Stage: Russian Ships Arrive in Cuba in Cold War Ritual Read the Full Article »

Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real

I still see a lot of posts on social media claiming that if you support Zelenskyy and Ukraine, you support the ‘New World Order’ with the evil United States and European Union behind it, but if you support Putin and Russia, you support the good guys and something like the coming of a paradise on Earth? Say what?Yes, it’s embarrassing to say the least. Absolutely no critical thinking, discernment or logic. Simply repeating some

Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 2

In the first part we took a quick look at the basis of mind control and the education system, which we will revisit later on. We also looked at the early history of the development of more modern tools of control. In this part, we will continue our historical exploration to better understand how the public has slowly been deceived, dumbed down, conditioned and programmed – and also by whom and why. As you

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

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