
Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health

Today we’ll take a quick look at a summary by on a study that examined the effects of supplementing with keratin hydrolysate and its possible effects on skin, hair, and nail health. Before we continue, for those unfamiliar with keratin, it’s a type of fibrous structural protein found in the epithelial cells of the outermost layers of the skin, as well as in hair, nails, horns, hooves, wool, feathers, and the scales of […]

Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health Read the Full Article »

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods

The supplement pushers at T-Nation are back with another ignorant and potentially dangerous advertisement article — this time “tackling” the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency among clueless and dumbed down plant-based morons. Before we get ahead of ourselves and laugh our asses off from reading their “recommendations,” let’s start from the beginning and see what else they got wrong. “When researchers studied over 160,000 vegans and vegetarians, they discovered an alarming trend: their mental

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods Read the Full Article »

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless

As I’m a bit short on time, we return to for today’s “shorter” article and their summary of yet another stupid and unnecessary nutritional meta-analysis. And to be clear, a meta-analysis is a statistical method of combining and synthesizing the results of multiple independent studies addressing a “common research question.” So, what was this common question, this fascinating puzzle they had to solve this time? Well, this bunch of monkeys went through a

Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless Read the Full Article »

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting

A few days ago, the fitness- and bodybuilding wannabe writer Chris Shugart of T-Nation posted an article on what he deemed the “world’s easiest diet strategy.” Well, that’s quite a statement from someone I’ve had to correct hundreds of times while doing my article reviews. Let’s see what he has come up with, and I’ll add my thoughts as an actual coach with 25+ years of real-world experience with hundreds of competing athletes at

The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting Read the Full Article »

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed

Today we yet again return to the evil shills at Medical News Today and their never-ending publications of propaganda and inverted false medical science and misinformation. This time they push for more damaging and totally unnecessary medications as they promote a new drug alleged to help people with the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Let’s see what they have to say and I’ll explain what ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease actually are,

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed Read the Full Article »

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain 

The shills at Medical News Today continue to push out nonsense about Alzheimer’s as the pharmaceutical industry wants to offer more ways to subdue the symptoms for a short period of time while ignoring the cause of the problem so they can milk you dry before you die. This time MNT covered a new “study” in “predicting” Alzheimer’s. Yes, predictive and preventive “care” is the new money-making machine. Just imagine the possibilities to prescribe

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain  Read the Full Article »

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup

One of the most clueless writers on the Internet is back with yet another atrocious piece of garbage. Yes, I’m talking about Matt Weik of Ironmagazine and his gullible attempt at promoting Okra water, a shitstorm of plant-based toxins infused into water after soaking this poisonous green pod of seeds, the most toxic part of any plant. Anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and biochemistry should understand that drinking such an infusion

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup Read the Full Article »

Reduced Testosterone and Increased Estrogen in Men is Mainly Due to Carbohydrates

Today we return to the supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation where they tackle the rising problem with low levels of testosterone and especially high levels of estrogen in men. Considering the inverted pseudo-science of nutrition and all the extremely retarded nutrition advice these idiots spew out, as in consuming carbohydrates, which also are a common component of some of their supplements, let’s see if they dare mention the big elephant in the room,

Reduced Testosterone and Increased Estrogen in Men is Mainly Due to Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

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