cellular damage

The Fallacy Of Focusing On A Single Nutrient In Useless Studies

Today we return to Examine.com for another perfect example of wasted time and resources on studies focusing on a single nutrient and a possible outcome.This time some researchers performed a controlled trial and the possible effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and the occurrence of heart arrhythmias in 74 people with acute coronary syndrome. Key study details “The participants were admitted to a critical care unit in Iran. They received standard care and consumed either […]

The Fallacy Of Focusing On A Single Nutrient In Useless Studies Read the Full Article »

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance

When the Elite Families who run this inverted clown-world from the shadows instigated the silly and staged Covid-19 psychological operation, their underlings pushed forward some of their controlled opposition to put focus on alternative medicine and remedies to lure in those who saw right through the maiming and deadly vaccines and the agenda of a staged pandemic. While some people recognized the juvenile virus hoax, that of “contagion,” that of biologically impossible transference of

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance Read the Full Article »

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth

Today we return to Examine.com and a review of yet another idiotic study where they fail to explain what they found and how dangerous to your health it actually is. Also, this should be a no-brainer as we know that curcumin is a very potent poison and that synthetic melatonin is not the same as the melatonin naturally produced by the body, even if the chemical structure is almost identical and it can bind

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth Read the Full Article »

Vaping, Smoking And Systemic Inflammation — An Explanation Of Widespread Inflammation/Healing (hs-CRP)

Today we return to Examine.com and one of their summaries of a recent study, a study that is another prime example of something that never should have been conducted because you can easily predict all the outcomes using logic and common sense and it does not add anything useful or new to the table. What was studied? “Whether vaping is associated with lower levels of inflammation than cigarette smoking. The primary outcome was levels

Vaping, Smoking And Systemic Inflammation — An Explanation Of Widespread Inflammation/Healing (hs-CRP) Read the Full Article »

Eating In The Evening Contributes To Diabetes? Eating Late Is Always Bad!

Recently, the pharmaceutical shills and misinformation “health” platform Medical News Today published an article based on a study investigating the impact on eating large meals in the evening and the connection to increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Although I have covered this subject many times, let’s see where they are going with this, what they tell us, and what they do not. “As the holidays approach and the epic meals begin, a study

Eating In The Evening Contributes To Diabetes? Eating Late Is Always Bad! Read the Full Article »

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis

Today we return to the wannabe-fitness online publication Iron Magazine and their gullible and totally clueless writer Matt Weik as he continues his journey of total ignorance in the fantasy land of retarded diets. And as always, I’ll try my best to be nice although I’m wading through a muddy lake of shit. Or at least, somewhat nice. Nah, I will tell it like it is, as I always do. No silly filters. So,

The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis Read the Full Article »

The Dark Truths About Fluoride

Healthline, the atrocious website who also operates Medical News Today and is owned by Red Ventures are focused on spreading misinformation and the backwards-thinking perverted medical “science” to keep you as unhealthy and “disease” ridden as possible. In other words, their mission is to keep you as a life-long weak, obedient, dumbed-down, and low-energy slave and customer to Big Pharma and the government. As part of that mission, they recently posted an article on

The Dark Truths About Fluoride Read the Full Article »

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements

Today we return to Anabolic Minds and a recent article they published on the subject of R-lipoic acid (RLA) and weight management, as in fat loss. We know that naturally occurring and bioavailable RLA and its bioactive form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have important antioxidant properties, assist in detoxification and cellular repair, and also plays a role in energy production, as in the conversion of glucose into energy through aerobic metabolism. So, let’s see what

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements Read the Full Article »

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