cell damage

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd 

As T-Nation once again ran an advertisement article about the extremely toxic and dangerous Vitamin D supplements, which I’ve covered several times, the soyboy, fruitboy, and now cornboy, Matt Weik over at Ironmagazine published an article pushing the sugary toxic yellow turd, you know, the utter crap called corn. As this website is all about exposing lies, deceit and the inverted reality, let’s see what our clueless cornboy Matt has to say, and I’ll […]

Corn Is A Sugary And Toxic Veggie Turd  Read the Full Article »

Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer

I guess some of you noticed the so-called review of “mobile phones and brain cancer” by the WHO, an cloaked lobbyist organization that works as a public shield for the elite families, their toxic food industry and their inverted and extremely evil medical field and pharmaceutical industry. WHO works in unison with the United Nations, another luciferian organization created with the same purpose. With that said, it is obvious that the main mission of

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