
How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished

Today we return to Science Daily, a.k.a, Pseudo-Science Daily, another shithole for summarizing useless and backwards studies from the inverted and evil medical field as well as the non-existing field of “nutritional science.” However, this time they kind of exposed one of their many ways to keep the population malnourished, weak, and dumbed down. Let’s see what they have to say. “Childhood obesity rates have been increasing year on year, with government pledges and […]

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished Read the Full Article »

What Is More Important Than Protein? Animal Fats!

Once again we return to T-Nation and their COO Chris Shugart and his misaligned obsession for protein. This time he titles himself a rebel, as in fighting the obviously corrupt and evil establishment. Well, we’ll see about that. Bring it on then, Chris. “The average person is pretty below average these days. About 74% of US adults are overweight or obese. It’s perfectly normal to be over-fat and under-muscled. Given that, your goal is

What Is More Important Than Protein? Animal Fats! Read the Full Article »

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss?

Today we return to and their review of a meta-analysis looking at various combinations of “intermittent” fasting regimens and their effectiveness when the goal is to lose body fat. As you probably know, I’ve used fasting as my number one fat loss tool among my clients, including top-level bodybuilders since 2008. Amongst overweight clients I’ve used either two 36-hour fasts a week (5:2) or an every other day fasting (alternate-day) approach. For bodybuilders

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss? Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss)

Today we return to and their summary of a meta-analysis looking at weight loss, body composition, and blood lipids in overweight adults following a time-restricted eating schedule. What was studied? “The effect of time-restricted eating (TRE) on anthropometrics (body measurements) and body mass in the context of overweight and obesity.” Well, using a time-restricted approach to eating, as in a feeding window of 4, 6 or 8 hours, will likely mean less food

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss) Read the Full Article »

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods

The supplement pushers at T-Nation are back with another ignorant and potentially dangerous advertisement article — this time “tackling” the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency among clueless and dumbed down plant-based morons. Before we get ahead of ourselves and laugh our asses off from reading their “recommendations,” let’s start from the beginning and see what else they got wrong. “When researchers studied over 160,000 vegans and vegetarians, they discovered an alarming trend: their mental

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells

The supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation have been busy little bees as of lately, as always mixing backward-thinking “science,” bad interpretations, and the complete lack of understanding of physiology, biology, and biochemistry — especially the simple biological and chemical differences between animals, such as human, and that of plants. This time these deceiving bastards try to hijack the benefits of fasting by selling you them through a very toxic and potentially deadly supplement.

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells Read the Full Article »

Vegan vs. Carnivore: Hyaluronic Acid, A Natural Hydration And Lubricant Made By Our Body

Today we return to the old copycats of the supplement-driven Iron Magazine and what seems to be an anonymous article on hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring biopolymer with diverse functions in the body, including wound repair, cell signaling, and hydration and lubrication of various tissues. Perhaps Matt Weik was too afraid to put his name on the top of this one, as he’s clueless about biochemistry and physiology (and pretty much anything nutrition- and

Vegan vs. Carnivore: Hyaluronic Acid, A Natural Hydration And Lubricant Made By Our Body Read the Full Article »

Dangerous and Damaging EBGLYSS For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Fix Your Diet Instead!

Yesterday, September 23, 2024, Medical News Today ran an ‘advertisement’ piece for the totally unnecessary and damaging new drug EBGLYSS from the evil scumbags at Eli Lilly, one of many pharmaceutical companies who are part of the agenda to keep people as dumbed-down, weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on the government as possible. Their article is based on the news that The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Eli Lilly’s EBGLYSS as

Dangerous and Damaging EBGLYSS For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Fix Your Diet Instead! Read the Full Article »

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