artificial sweeteners

Unnatural Artificial Sweeteners And Cardiovascular Damage

Once again we return to and a summary of a recent meta-analysis looking at the association between artificial sweeteners and the risk of cardiovascular events. This should be another no-brainer as far as common sense goes. Let’s see what they found. Quick Summary “In this meta-analysis of 12 prospective cohort studies in 1,224,560 men and women, researchers looked at the intake of artificial sweeteners and the association with higher risks of all-cause mortality, […]

Unnatural Artificial Sweeteners And Cardiovascular Damage Read the Full Article »

Does The Toxicity Of Fructose Force The Body To Form Tumors?

Today we return to the shill- and misinformation website Medical News Today and another article to add to the confusion and misunderstanding of cancer and tumors. As it is the agenda of the elite, the medical field and medical “science” to deceive and keep people as unhealthy and weak as possible, it’s also the mission of websites like these to keep that deception going. So, with these crucial facts in mind, let’s see what

Does The Toxicity Of Fructose Force The Body To Form Tumors? Read the Full Article »

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it

Once again we return to the bodybuilding- and fitness website of T-Nation and the latest advertisement-article on fish oil by their CCO Chris Shugart. They really have been pushing out a lot of these kinds of articles lately, trying to justify their line of supplements. As I’ve been in the supplement business myself, for about 15 years, and developed a lot of them, I can relate to the ‘business side’ of it. However, I

The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it Read the Full Article »

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine

The Disinformation and Big Pharma shill website ‘Medical News Today’ (MNT) recently posted an article looking at 2023 in medicine and three topics that they considered dominated the headlines: artificial sweeteners, colon cancer, and male birth control. And no, do not worry, they do not (yet) claim that men can get pregnant, as in the ‘woke mental illness’ that swept through some of the walking zombies/NPCs, instead it’s about alternatives to condoms and vasectomies.

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine Read the Full Article »

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