
World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed

I covered the initial Jesuit and Freemason Rust-shooting ritual back on October 22, 2021, the day after the alleged shooting had happened on the movie set, starring Alec Baldwin. To recap, we all know that “prop guns” are non-functional replica guns that can’t even be fired. And the staged and fake shooting with “live ammunition” happened on October 21, 2021, exactly a Jesuit 201-days after Alec’s April 3rd birthday. Of course, 201 fitted the […]

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed Read the Full Article »

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers

After covering the world stage character, actor and controlled opposition Julian Assange so many times, not to mention how many others have exposed him, I didn’t really think I would need to cover this silly story about his staged and scripted plea deal. However, my social media feed proved me wrong. There are still a lot more gullible baby troofers, on the level of NPCs, cheering for this poser, this controlled opposition actor, than

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers Read the Full Article »

World Stage and the Politics Illusion: Steve Bannon to Report to Prison

This act of the ongoing Trump theatre had the sleeping gullible masses and baby troofers cry out like little children on X, former Twitter, with statements such as, “This is political persecution,” “It’s 1939 and Biden is Hitler,” and “It’s tyranny and we’re living through it.” Frikkin’ hilarious. These Q’tards, gullible baby troofers, and right-wing puppets actually think that this is real! That this actor, this Jesuit-controlled Freemason by the name of ‘Steve Bannon,’

World Stage and the Politics Illusion: Steve Bannon to Report to Prison Read the Full Article »

Judge “Cannon” Denies Trump’s Motions, Court Date Still Set for Jesuit’s “Cannonball” Day

The scripted theatre around the actor and Jesuit puppet Donald Trump continues as Judge Cannon denied one of Trump’s motions to dismiss the documents case. And thus, the trial itself, is still scheduled for May 20, the date the Jesuits celebrate the day their founder Ignatius was struck by a cannonball during the alleged battle of Pamplona, leaving him with a lifelong limp, and during his recovery he allegedly read about Christ and the

Judge “Cannon” Denies Trump’s Motions, Court Date Still Set for Jesuit’s “Cannonball” Day Read the Full Article »

Actor Gary Sinise’s Son McCanna Dead at “33” by the Freemasonic Numbers

This story trended yesterday, on February 27, although McCanna “Mac” Sinise allegedly died on Jan. 5, 2024, at 3:25 p.m. and was laid to rest on Jan. 23. The Gary Sinise Foundation shared the news on Instagram of McCanna Sinise’s death on Tuesday, with the caption, “In Honor & Memory of McCanna ‘Mac’ Sinise 1990-2024.” In a statement, the foundation said that on August 8, 2018, Mac was diagnosed with a very rare cancer

Actor Gary Sinise’s Son McCanna Dead at “33” by the Freemasonic Numbers Read the Full Article »

Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer

Again, we see “celebrities” announcing that they have cancer, only days after King Charles III, as a conditioning tool to deceive the pleb into believing that even the “rich and famous” get the “disease.” Also, there is buzz about “vaccines” against cancer, which is utter mockery and another way to poison more stupid people.In reality, cancer is not a disease, it is simply a defense mechanism of the body; either shielding you from a

Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer Read the Full Article »

Trump Allegedly Booked in Fulton County Jail

This will be a short one. It’s sad to see that there are people who believe that this, or anything presented in the media, is real. To see sheeple spreading the viral mug shot of Trump as it’s some kind of historical event. Donald Trump is an actor, a puppet of the ‘elite.’ Everything on the world stage is theatrics, scripted rituals to entertain and program the masses, to herd them along in a

Trump Allegedly Booked in Fulton County Jail Read the Full Article »

Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate

Allegedly, Senator John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke during a campaign trail has been hospitalized for clinical depression since mid-February and returned this Wednesday, April 19, to the Senate with a very sloppy and choppy opening statement that made the dumbed-down and sleeping sheep on social media question his mental health and ability to do his job (as in playing a democrat senator with a ‘disability’ on the world stage to mock the U.S.

Fetterman’s Masonic Shaming Ritual as He Return to Senate Read the Full Article »

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