CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler

As the staged and mostly fake war continues in the media, CNN made up a very special story for April 2. According to the article, Putin is committing some of the same blunders that doomed Germany’s 1941 invasion of the USSR — while using “Hitler-like tricks and tactics” to justify his brutality. What a perfect comparison with “World War History” for April 2, a date that is written 4/2, like 42, the very popular […]

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler Read the Full Article »

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50

While people are occupied with actors giving each other staged slaps, FDA authorized a second booster shot from Pfizer and Moderna for adults age 50 and older – a booster shot for something that does not even exists. It’s all about maiming and killing the useless eaters as the ‘elite’ and the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum puts it. FDA approved Moderna’s first booster shot on January 31, 2022. This authorization

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50 Read the Full Article »

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shills About the Staged and Fake War, All by the Numbers

Arnold made an Instagram video about the fake war in Ukraine on March 17, exactly three weeks, or 21 days, after it began on February 24. Why wait three weeks? Because he’s a freemason and a shill for the Jesuits and it’s all about the numbers and their rituals. Arnold was born on July 30, 1947. This video he made was posted on March 17, which was 231 days after his last birthday. 231

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shills About the Staged and Fake War, All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12

While the sheep are distracted by the staged theatre in Ukraine and the fake pandemic seems to be on hold, the powers of evil is still marching on in the shadows laying the groundwork for the depopulation agenda – and as always, it’s done in a ritualistic manner by the numbers. On the 16th of March, as in 16/3, like 163, Moderna announced this new vaccine trial for kids aged 6 months to 11

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12 Read the Full Article »

The Mocking Continues – Ukrainian Actor Pasha LEE Dead at 33

This story came on March 7, the 66th day of the year, and it is pure propaganda and mockery at its finest. Just read that first line, “Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee was killed while fighting off Russian forces — having gone from entertainer to soldier who put himself on the front lines in the battle for his country.” Yeah, sure. Pasha LEE Dead at 33. It even rhymes. Not to mention that the Ukrainian

The Mocking Continues – Ukrainian Actor Pasha LEE Dead at 33 Read the Full Article »

Global Covid-19 Deaths Allegedly Surpass 6 Million on the 66th Day of the Year in a 666-Ritual

They just can’t help themselves with all the lies and their numbers. Most people should know by now that Covid-19 does not exist, that the whole pandemic was fake and staged. However, the evil bastards need to keep the lie alive to succeed with their Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050. So, what better way than mocking the sheep on the 66th day of the year with fake news about 6 million deaths. Of course,

Global Covid-19 Deaths Allegedly Surpass 6 Million on the 66th Day of the Year in a 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

Zelenskyy Makes Plea to European Parliament – Here is Wisdom

Look at that clip from CNN, zooming in on the seats 13 to 18, just as in Revelation 13:18 that we know all too well by now. “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” This is of course a pun to Putin, who plays Satan in this staged theatrical act of war. And today is

Zelenskyy Makes Plea to European Parliament – Here is Wisdom Read the Full Article »

Putin Orders Troops into Ukraine on ‘Peacekeeping’ mission

The conflict keeps evolving with the numbers, pretty much as we have predicted. On February 21, Russian troops are moving over the border into pro-Russian regions of Ukraine on a ‘peacekeeping’ mission. With troops inside the borders, it’s the perfect set-up for a false flag, as in faking that Ukraine troops attacked the ‘peacekeeping’ mission. Any such staged confrontation would fit nicely with the numerology of February 22. Remember, on February 22, it will

Putin Orders Troops into Ukraine on ‘Peacekeeping’ mission Read the Full Article »

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