Fire at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant after Zelenskyy’s ‘End of the World’ Speech

On March 3rd, the 33-date, the comedian actor Zelenskyy was again in the headlines with the message, “The end of the world has arrived.” Then at 3 a.m. on March 4, the nuclear power station at Zaporizhzhia is allegedly on fire. How symbolic isn’t that? As it is said in ‘2 Peter 3:10:’ “The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it […]

Fire at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant after Zelenskyy’s ‘End of the World’ Speech Read the Full Article »

Ukraine Claims ‘Top Russian General’ Killed by Sniper

As the staged and very fake war continues in the media, Ukraine now claims that they killed Major General Andrey Sukhovetsky. This is of course more fabricated propaganda all by the numbers. The news broke on March 3, the 3/3-date, as in the Freemasonic 33. And the general was allegedly 47-years-old. 47 as in the degrees on the Freemasonic compass. The masons just love their 33 and 47. Ukraine = 47Authority = 47General Killed

Ukraine Claims ‘Top Russian General’ Killed by Sniper Read the Full Article »

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection

On March 2, the U.N. General Assembly condemned the staged and fake Russian invasion of Ukraine that all countries are in on together. Of the 193 member states, 181 participated in the vote. Of those, 141 countries allegedly supported the resolution condemning Moscow, and five were against it – including Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea. Thirty-five countries abstained, but their numbers do not affect the two-thirds majority needed for adoption. Remember, the

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection Read the Full Article »

New CDC ‘Estimate’ for Non-Existing Coronavirus in the U.S. – 56 Anyone?

While it seems that most gullible sheep forgot all about this staged and fake pandemic and are now instead running around and posting Ukrainian flags on their social media profile pictures – all for another fake and staged psychological operation, the globalist elite scumbags are still putting out some Covid propaganda. On March 1st, CDC put out some fantasy figures of “Covid-19 infections” around the US. They start of by claiming that they believe

New CDC ‘Estimate’ for Non-Existing Coronavirus in the U.S. – 56 Anyone? Read the Full Article »

Global Stock Plunge Due to the Theatre of Russia-Ukraine – New 201 Rituals and a Quick Rant About the Future

Do you see that picture CNN ran with for this story? It’s right there in your face, a big fat ‘201’ and ‘56’ just above it. Their two biggest numbers as of late. The whole staged invasion of Ukraine has 201 all over it, as decoded in the last weeks, and especially yesterday on February 24 when “the war” begun, exactly 20 weeks and 1 day after Putin’s birthday. Russian Invasion = 201The Jesuit

Global Stock Plunge Due to the Theatre of Russia-Ukraine – New 201 Rituals and a Quick Rant About the Future Read the Full Article »

At least 38,000 Truckers Preparing for Bolus’ Bogus Convoy to D.C. – Did You Learn Nothing?

And here we go again. Controlled opposition fooling gullible people and truck drivers to participate in a convoy. We already know how that played out in Canada. Trudeau could use their Emergency Act and pull in mercenaries and UN troops on the streets – military forces with no sense of morality and no ties to the country they operate in. Where Canadian police or military might hesitate to go against their own people, family

At least 38,000 Truckers Preparing for Bolus’ Bogus Convoy to D.C. – Did You Learn Nothing? Read the Full Article »

Putin Orders Troops into Ukraine on ‘Peacekeeping’ mission

The conflict keeps evolving with the numbers, pretty much as we have predicted. On February 21, Russian troops are moving over the border into pro-Russian regions of Ukraine on a ‘peacekeeping’ mission. With troops inside the borders, it’s the perfect set-up for a false flag, as in faking that Ukraine troops attacked the ‘peacekeeping’ mission. Any such staged confrontation would fit nicely with the numerology of February 22. Remember, on February 22, it will

Putin Orders Troops into Ukraine on ‘Peacekeeping’ mission Read the Full Article »

More Feb. 20 Kill Date Mockery – Francesca Tardioli Dies After ‘Falling Off’ of Her Own Balcony

If it’s not a 3– and a 4-year-old being trapped in matching 3-to-4-feet of water, it is ladies falling of their own balconies. In the first story, three children allegedly died, as in ‘three’ that sums to 56. In the second story, the woman was 56-years old. That woman’s first name is Francesca and her last name is Tardioli, both which just happens to be 56 in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher. Only that

More Feb. 20 Kill Date Mockery – Francesca Tardioli Dies After ‘Falling Off’ of Her Own Balcony Read the Full Article »

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