Japan’s Sakurajima Volcano Erupts – Weather Modification Warfare

We know that they have been modifying and controlling the weather for more than 100 years, probably longer – making it rain and forming storms and hurricanes. We are also pretty sure that they have the technology to start earthquakes and making volcanos erupt, as most of these events for the past years has been heavily coded and always fit perfectly with the date-numerology.This recent eruption in Japan is no different as it happened […]

Japan’s Sakurajima Volcano Erupts – Weather Modification Warfare Read the Full Article »

Turkey Drops Objections to Finland and Sweden Joining NATO on World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand Anniversary

The alleged spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand — heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire — was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. And now, with the staged and mostly fake war in Ukraine where Putin is threatening with World War III, Turkey drops its objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO on the

Turkey Drops Objections to Finland and Sweden Joining NATO on World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand Anniversary Read the Full Article »

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Yes, they are still at it, although most people seem to have forgotten about the staged and fake pandemic by now. I haven’t really heard any mention of “Covid” from the sheep in months, not since the staged and fake war in Ukraine or the silly ‘Monkeypox’ hoax – and speaking of which, WHO will rename ‘Monkeypox’ because some snowflake closely related to the monkeys deemed it ‘discriminatory’ and ‘stigmatizing.’ That’s an article in

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Read the Full Article »

The Orange County Church False Flag Shooting

First, we have a “racially motivated” staged false flag shooting in Buffalo on Saturday (with ’33’ all over it,) and then a “politically motivated” staged false flag shooting at a church on a Sunday. They are really pushing their agenda of gun control now. With almost no shootings at all for several years before and during the staged pandemic, they once again escalate these false flag operations this year. It should be bloody obvious

The Orange County Church False Flag Shooting Read the Full Article »

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds

I decoded this staged False Flag shooting yesterday as it developed. It was extremely coded, a clear sign of being scripted and planned long in advance by the police and other Freemasonic government officials. The patsy, if he even exists, has been named Frank R. James, which of course is also all by the numbers, as they always do it. It would be rather bold to state that all shootings are staged, but we

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds Read the Full Article »

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order

I wrote about this on our uncensored online community Ungovernable on April 2 as it emerged in the British press. Now, by April 4, most media outlets seem to have picked up on it. Again, it’s a new computer model of something that does not exist, as viruses and transferable diseases are an impossibility in nature. All made up bullocks to keep people in fear and fuel the multi-billion pharmaceutical industry – and of

Omicron XE Covid Variant Only Exist in the Media as a Tribute to The Jesuit Order Read the Full Article »

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler

As the staged and mostly fake war continues in the media, CNN made up a very special story for April 2. According to the article, Putin is committing some of the same blunders that doomed Germany’s 1941 invasion of the USSR — while using “Hitler-like tricks and tactics” to justify his brutality. What a perfect comparison with “World War History” for April 2, a date that is written 4/2, like 42, the very popular

CNN Claim Putin is Making the same Mistakes as Hitler Read the Full Article »

Fossil Fuel Companies Allegedly Sent $15.8 Billion in Taxes and Fees to Russia

Nine European and US fossil fuel companies have paid a collective $15.8 billion to Russia in various forms of taxes and fees since the country annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, a group of NGOs said Thursday. This was reported by Jesuit-owned CNN and a few minor outlets on March 25. But exactly 15.8B in taxes and fees, really? Like in 15/8, the 15th of August? The exact day Society of Jesus, aka., the

Fossil Fuel Companies Allegedly Sent $15.8 Billion in Taxes and Fees to Russia Read the Full Article »

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