Biden and McCarthy Reach Debt Ceiling Deal to Avoid Default – The 147 and 47 Connection

The trending headline on Sunday was the White House and Republican leaders in Congress mutual budget agreement averting a potentially catastrophic U.S. default just days ahead of the June 5 deadline. The agreement will raise the debt ceiling for two years, freeze spending on domestic programs, increase spending on defense and veterans’ issues, and much more. The agreement bill was sealed during Saturday, May 27, and announced on Sunday. Saturday was the 147th day […]

Biden and McCarthy Reach Debt Ceiling Deal to Avoid Default – The 147 and 47 Connection Read the Full Article »

All About 56: Roger Waters Investigated by Police for Wearing His Typical Nazi Costume During Concert in Germany

In the name of political correctness, Police in Germany have launched a criminal investigation into Roger Waters, the co-founder of Pink Floyd, after he appeared dressed in his typical costume resembling a Nazi uniform during two concerts in Berlin last week, or so you would be led to believe. Of course, this is only another division ritual to make left-wing liberal soy-fed sheep weep about the holohoax while those trapped in the right-wing of

All About 56: Roger Waters Investigated by Police for Wearing His Typical Nazi Costume During Concert in Germany Read the Full Article »

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

On May 22, during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the world must prepare for the next pandemic, which could be “even deadlier” than the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, anyone with a brain now knows that the COVID-19 pandemic was staged, that it was totally faked. This is a no-brainer as contagion, the alleged transmission of “disease,” has been debunked for over 100 years.

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Read the Full Article »

Mass Shooting at Kansas City Nightclub Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 2 Wounded

An alleged mass shooting at a Missouri nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning left three people dead and two wounded, of which one in critical condition, according to the media. The Freemasonic police said that they arrived at the scene at 1:26 a.m., the 26th minute of the hour, to find multiple shot and killed victims. The bar/nightclub is called Klymax, three people were allegedly dead and it was early Sunday. Mason

Mass Shooting at Kansas City Nightclub Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 2 Wounded Read the Full Article »

The Car Chase That Never Happened

One of yesterday’s extremely forced breaking “news” stories was that of an alleged 2-hour car chase in New York, where Prince Harry and his wife Meghan was said to have been pursued by a “swarm” of paparazzi, resulting in multiple near car collisions on the road, with pedestrians, and two NYPD officers. For once, at least a few people actually asked questions, like how is it possible that a 2-hour car chase with so

The Car Chase That Never Happened Read the Full Article »

May 15, Mainstream Fake News Dominated by Mercuralia

Mercuralia, also known as the Festival of Mercury, was a Roman celebration celebrated on May 15 in honor of the god Mercury, who was the god of merchants and commerce. Since Rome never ceased to exist but simply turned into the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, who still controls most of everything in this world, such a celebration did not go unnoticed in the scripted mainstream media. Before diving into Mercuralia, we

May 15, Mainstream Fake News Dominated by Mercuralia Read the Full Article »

Yuma, Arizona, Alleged Border City Shooting Only Days after Title 42 Expired — Updated

Allegedly, two people were killed, and five others were shot and injured in Yuma, Arizona, located only 10 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, Saturday night. This was said to have occurred at ‘3800 block of S. Edward Drive.’ Yes, a 38 hidden in plain sight, the number of murder and killing, frequently used in fake shootings. Also, this is all about title 42, the border, and the influx of migrants. Of course, migrants equal

Yuma, Arizona, Alleged Border City Shooting Only Days after Title 42 Expired — Updated Read the Full Article »

The Allen, Texas Shooter is Said to Have Been 33-Years-Old, a ‘Neo-Nazi’ and Member of Right-Wing Death Squad

Yes, they’re still pushing this fake shooting in the media. And this time it’s back to the right-wing extremist mentally ill profile, after staging a few shootings with liberal transgender nutcases and illegal immigrants, which of course made those ‘shootings’ seem legitimate among the right-wing crowd. That is how they suck both sides into their psy-ops, playing on feelings and hatred. As for the media updates to this story, every single follow-up has been

The Allen, Texas Shooter is Said to Have Been 33-Years-Old, a ‘Neo-Nazi’ and Member of Right-Wing Death Squad Read the Full Article »

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